Jul 30, 2004 23:12
so tonight i was worried that my family had reaallly gone off the deep end so i called rosie and sierra. they came over and we made cookies and stuff. then we went on a bike ride. possibly the best one ever.
we went to juanitas and saw kenmore*. he was not quite himself. he thought his carmex was a cell phone and he completely ate it on a stolen bike. He was looking for gabe the whole time and he was right across the street the entire time. then we got him some water. and left him to bernadette and her friend. Then on the way home we found a party. but we didnt go in. then on our way home again we see m_les in green (really though) and sierras dog. we asked them if they were trying to get back to the party and they said they were lost. they really were though. they were going in the complete wrong direction. then they didnt turn where we told them to, so we accidentally run into (the past tense of draw) and bobby joe* they were straight fromt he party and all liquored up. we led them to lolita street and everythign was good. i hope.
summer wow. what a wonderful invention.
*indicates names have been changed.