Jul 05, 2005 19:11
today i woke up at 6 and went to my hosue and took a shower and then me and alex headed to drivers training. when we got there we talked and picked driving partners for the fisrt drive. it is me alex and the cheese kid (inside joke) becosue mellissa wouldent raise her hand high enogh THANKS lol then i had to ride around untill i had range and i talked to austin and then i went to range and then it was really easy. and then i went to alex's house and then i went to the tennis courts with molly and carrie were we meet up with mellissa and her friends were we played tennis and went on the computers. then we rode o ver to mellissa's hosue and then we went to kipps witch was really good the4n we went over to bradys house withc was sweet and then we went home and molly and carrie came over and they broke my window and then we made a pizza and drank some sprite and shot stuff with my paintball gun
thanks molly for cleaning my hosue
peace out bray
comment please