
Oct 24, 2005 20:10

So It's been like forever. SO yea... I go to EMU, I have class 5 days a week. Mondays I start at 9am and finish at 4:50. Tuesdays and Thursdays I start at 9:30am and finish at 6:15. Then Wednesdays and Fridays, I start at 12noon, and go until 4:50. I'm taking 16 credit hours, which being my first semester in college, it seems like a lot but its not tooo bad. Though I need to improve my grades. College isn't as scary as I thought it was gonna be. It's a lot of reading and stuff, but not too big of a deal... so far. I now work at BankOne with my Joshua! But thats on the weekends. So far I've worked 3 weeks. It's not a bad job at all, and I get to be with Joshua! Though I only usually see him during lunch, but thats ok.
This is a typical week for me, Monday-Sunday:
*Monday- I wake up around 7:45-8am. I get ready and go to my Chem lab class. It's ot too bad, but being early on Monday morning.. it kinda sucks. Thats from 9-10:50. Then I walk back up here to the dorm, and wait until 11:45 until I have to walk, usually with Matt, to my psychology class. Thats from 12-12:50. Then I usually eat lunch with Aubrey. Then from 4-4:50, I have sociology. Then I'm around the dorm with Aub until bed.
*Tuesday- I wake up around 8am. I have American government from 9:30-10:45, then Chem from 11-12:15. Then I come back to the dorm to hang out with Aub, Matt, and Andi. From 5-6:15 Matt, Andi, Angie, and I have english together... we're are the "Belleville" group.. lol... its crazy, but we're sweet!
*Wednesday- I wait until 11:45 until I have to walk, usually with Matt, to my psychology class. Thats from 12-12:50. Then I usually eat lunch with Aubrey. Then from 4-4:50, I have sociology. Then I'm around the dorm with Aub until bed.
*Thursday- Same as Tuesday.
*Friday- Same as Wednesday, though after sociology, I leave here to go home for the weekend!
*Saturday- I get up around 5:15 sometimes a little later, but no later than 6am(well if I can help it...), I take a shwoer, and then go to work. I work from 7am-4:30 with an hour lunch with my Joshua! Then, I go home, and after Josh gets off at 5:30, him and I hang out.
*Sunday- I get up for work... just like Sat, but after I get out of work, I go home, get ready to come back to school. I drive to Josh's so I can see him a little more, then I drive back up here to the dorm.
Thats my week in a nutshell...

I don't really know what else to say. Not much has happened that is interesting enough to talk about in this. Well, four days ago, Octoer 20th, was Josh and my one year anniversary! I love him so much its crazy! He is my everything and I can't wait to marry this guy! I love you babe! mwah! XOXO

Tonite, Mom came and picked me up after class today and she took me out to Kohls, then Sams Club, then Applebees. It was fun! She spent a lot of money on me... oops... but it was nice... I don't see my parents all that much anymore so hanging out with them like that is always sweet... unless I'm in trouble or something....

Well thats like all I have to say... I'll try writing in this more often... though I need to be studying too.
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