Jul 04, 2004 00:40
Yesterday i went to the movies with my boyfriend to see spiderman 2. It was good, as good as the first one. Anywayz, both of us was chillin, waiting for the previews to end and then my mom and my sister came in. I didnt want her to come in the first place then my mom gonna sneak in. When the movie was over we went to eat and they kept on following us. My mom
said it wasn't intentional but still, can i have my space!! After that his mom picked us up and we was in the car and his mom was like "i bet ya'll horny as shit". We had this shocked look on our face because we weren't expecting her to say something like that. I was all embarassed and i said no.
When we got to the apartment we chilled for a while than we went swimming which was nice. It started to get boring so i wanted to go back inside. When we got inside we changed and spent time in his room which was nice because i hardly EVER get to be with him alone since school is over. So we did our thing and then he wanted to do it without protection and i was like no, i have to be the responsible on and its not even worth taking the risk. SEX period., isnt worth taking any risks. He's a very persistent person so he kept on tring to seduce me into saying okay but i kept on saying no. I had to be the responsible one, and i hate when he does that. I didn't want to ruin the night so i just let that go and then we watched a movie together. It was really nice and sweet. I wish i could spend everyother day with him. We spent like half the time just holding eachother. That day was one of the highlights of my summer...spending time with my boy!