Sep 21, 2005 21:34
hmmm ok day...
1st period- slept. ap lang wat can i say
2nd- ap bio ome hard stuff... note takin sucks.. but havin a lunch party on friday :-)
3rd- fun class i love h psyc and love the peeps in there
4th- ehh it was ok.. advanced anat is kinda borin buttt its all good
volley ball.. doing better... ppl piss me off n my serves rock... also wasnt payin attention n chels pegged me in the cheek with a ball.. that hurt.. but did good..
Boonsburo game tommarow..... 4-1 good job ladies!!! way to kick some north booty last night!
*KeEp TaLkIn ThAt ShIt*
*KeEp fUeLiN mY fIrE*