Feb 18, 2003 22:30
I havent written in here in a couple of days...sorry bout that, ne way today was an okay day. I got up fought w/ my dumb sister about aol then we finally took her back to school, mom and i came home and we went to micheals, then i had practice at ves, speedwork~fun~ NOT haha ne way bryan came over afterwards, we went to subway and sheetz, to get food, yummm... then we came home, ate, then chilled and had a peanut butter fight and got peanut butter EVERYWHERE! man was it fun! i got to chill a lil w/ my mur today at practice, but mur we SOOOO have to hang out more! States baby! this will be a one day week for us! hell yess!! haha well ne way we will DEF hang out at states...what's up w/ this and me being anchor leg??? i dont like that, i feel like i'm letting the team down?!?! grrr.... oh well i'm gonna go...night night, more later!