Jan 20, 2003 20:50
Why do I have that song STUCK in my head?? Gah. >.<;;
Somebody get it out, quick, QUIIIICK! I can't stand Eliza Doolittle's annoying accent!!! >.<;;
I haven't seen that movie in YEARS. It used to come on the Disney channel a lot when I was little--or at least I THINK it was the disney channel. Could it be that my Mom and Grandmother were fooling me and it was another channel that was showing My Fair Lady, hmmmmmmmm?
Nah, I don't think so. ;)
Today I had MAJOR e-mail issues, so if I haven't responded to your comments yet, I WILL, I'm just rather swamped with other things right now.
God, bellsouth was SOOOO fucked today. The mailserver was down for about 3