Apr 14, 2005 19:02
I'm pretty toasted today. Skin wise that is. I've been going tanning for more then a week now, and thankfully I'm getting nice and brown. I need to get used to the sun before summer starts so I think this helps. I also plan on changing my hair color again..this time to a medium brown.
School is okay, I finish on May 6 and then goodbye for three months! Ahh I cant wait.
I can't wait until summer. I have some trips lined up to relax and to get to see people I've been wanting to see. Upstate NY, Florida..the shore haha. =) Hopefully this summer will also fix everything with my car..which by the way is still acting up.
My mom is doing okay, she's been eating well and feeling well. Shes also nice and brown because of spending time in the sun last week. Unfortunately she wasnt able to have her chemo session today because her blood count was too low..but on a better note she gets to continue taking her herbs. I told her "hey mom, maybe that happened for a reason." The doctor also did her parecentesis (fluid removal) in the office (yes which left my mom in no pain and took maybe ten minutes, thankfully from now on she wont need to be in the hospital for that!) It wasnt my mom's doctor though but it was his partner. I find him nicer as well..my mom's regular doctor is so serious all the time. This one I met before and is nice and makes her feel happy. I told my mom she should switch so she said she'd find out if she could.
I've been feeling okay. Just finishing up some long overdue school work and relaxing. Sometimes I just need a break from people so obviously some of you see that this is happening right now. I'll be back to my old self very soon though and I'll be going out a lot more. Just cant wait for my summer trips. I have a feeling they are going to be the best and will bring me lots of happiness..heck who knows what they will bring. =)
(oh yea and I do plan on going to lots of car shows including Tib Fest if my Tibby is still here, but ah regardless if it is or not I'll go.)
So far I have 12 pages in my poem book..once I get to 40 pages i'm thinking of publishing it but for now I'm taking it day by day.
Much love <33
<3 <3 <3