Have you ever seen a llama wearing pajamas?

Aug 18, 2006 22:00

Well, I haven't posted in forever, I know. How can the world still turn without my inspiring Daily Thoughts? Hahaha. Just kidding. So, I'm still working on the CA post, but I'm sure no one will cry if it takes a little longer. On to today's Daily Thought! Brought to you by our sponsers at local bowling alleys.

The world witnessed the impossible on August 8, 2006. On that momentous day, I beat Julie at bowling... I know, I couldn't believe it either. This was the best game of bowling I have ever had! Julie won the second time of course. But the first game - it was all me. I got two 10s in a row. Then I got a strike! Me! A strike! But then Julie got one later. First game: Me-87, Julie-85; second game: Me-84, Julie-87. After the thrilling game, I was on on an all natural high. It was like I drank an entire case of coke! So remember, dreams really can come true, even the impossible. Just have faith.

later days
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