
Sep 18, 2007 03:33

I can't believe I...


That should not have... and he.. I... sonofabitch... *headdesk* Should not have LIKED that that much! Should not have. NotnotNOT! It should not have been even more wild and fulfillin' than my dreams. WHY did it haveta be better'n them?!? Sweet tapdancing Christ on a pogostick... stop being so fucking.... jaflhgiaet;qowehaishdghj


I want my uberhot Shadow-on-Shadow action now, plz.


Okay... maybe after I've had somethin' t'eat and rested up a bit... holy crap... alweihrakljshkasler

crazypants, omgwtfbbq?!?, cuff 'im!, my life is -weird-

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