(no subject)

Sep 10, 2005 08:50

I'm at Kelsey's right now. I'm in the middle of a busy weekend right now. haha.

Yeah so Monday was my last day at the lodge.. and that makes me so happy. After work, I came home and then I had practice at 5 and after that, I went to Kendra's and we eventually went walking through town with Kelsey and Cory. Tuesday I had school and then we had a match. I had to play with Jamie because Kelsey was sick.. and I didn't like it at all. We lost first of all, but I was getting so frustrated with Jamie. I wish they would've moved up Stacey or something so then Jamie could've played with 4 doubles.. but no. I kept getting madder with every point so I started doing bad.. so it just was not good. After that, I went walking with Kelsey.. had to get my mind off things. We went to the Brewery and then to McDonalds and then we made a detour to maybe see someone but then we realized we had to be back to Bavarian Inn in 15 minutes so we tried running and we started laughing for no reason so we could barely run lol. After that, we picked up my cousin from practice and then I went home. Wednesday was school and practice and the soccer game and walking with Kelsey and then home. Thursday we had school and a match. We won. Jenny's match didn't get done until 8:15 so I didn't get home until 8:30 and that was the day that I had so much crap to do. Once I got home, I showered and ate and packed and did most of the stuff I had to do. I went to bed about 11:30. Yesterday I got up, finished the stuff I had to do.. went to school. Our practice wasn't practice at all. It was Emily's birthday so we had cake. Then the seniors worked on the tennis banner so I didn't even swing my racket once. We got out at 4:30 and then I came to Kelsey's and got ready. Then we waited for Kendra, Cathy, Alex, and Ben and we left about 5:45 and started walking towards the high school. We lost Alex somehow and Kendra and Kelsey kept going so they wouldn't be late and me, Cathy, and Ben looked for him for a bit but couldn't find him.. so we walked to McDonalds and me and Cathy ate and we went back to the school. We were in the stands for awhile and then me and Cathy helped with the chain thing at halftime. After that, we met up with Kelsey and Kendra. We got food and beads and talked to my sister and her friends lol. We walked through town and we eventually got to Kelsey's house and met Andy and ate food.. we were so hungry. After some sitting around, we decided to go to Cory's but we just ended up staying at Ben and Andy's house. People had to be home in like half an hour or an hour so we just stayed there. Me and Kelsey got home about 12:30 and on the way home, we think we hit a raccoon. Some little creature ran in front of my car, but we didn't know what it was, but we were freaking it out. It scared the crap out of us. We worked on our myspace's when we got home and I ate and we watched TV and went to bed around 2. I just woke up, and I can't sleep for some reason. I have to work 12-5 today and then I'm coming back here. We're getting to Kendra's eventually and then we're gonna have some fun tonight. Tomorrow I have to work at the Auto Fest 9-12 and then I get to go home!

Yeah so I have a myspace now.. so I'm going to use that and this I think. hehe.

I'm going to go wake up Kelsey. bye.

I hate it when people say shit about me for no reason.. and then they tell my best friend.. now that's stupid.
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