wow its been a while!

Apr 10, 2007 18:23

well it sure has been a hell of a long time since ive written or updated this bad boy! hah!

i guess now i have a bit more reason to be on, plus the fact that i work on the computer all day i have easy internet access now! YAY!!! finally after 3 years my day has come....i finally have my own PC (even if its at work and i cant take it home)

so whats happend in my life in the past 3 years since ive been here in brasil:

-- got married(as in living together) and was a hard breakup im still suffering (its only been 2 months since we seperated)..unfortunatly our luck didnt let us have a kid, which we really wanted but its okay, i guess its better..hell we did break up! his name is american...ive never met a billy in my entire life, i met this one and he swept me off my feet and then took the fucking ground from underneath me. *argh* i hate men! but love their membranes! haha

-- surf like crazy, one thing i will never stop doing!

-- almost getting my license..but driven my fair share of planning in the next 4 to 6 months to put down my 1st payment on my Honda XLR Bros 150cc ES 2006....yah that bike is pure tesao! its pure sex appeal! i love it, its a cross bike!

-- worked in a few diffferant interesting working with an american company located literally behind my house. its like Newbridge, Alcatel..etc...we offer computer maintance services for companys/corporations in the USA....pretty much i get phone calls here and then call my engineers in NY and pass the info to them..EASY!

-- still smoke pot. stopped with the coke..that shit is whack. did something harder and it still haunts me every once and a while....its base is made from coke..and drinking is like an almost everyday thing!

-- lost 10 kilos since ive been here (6 being when me and billy were living together..)

-- talk portuguese fluently now! yay! my english is going to be getting back to normal now that im working here at BRTIX...i was beginning to lose my english! i have a brasilian accent when i talk english! its crazy!

-- learned how to put people in casts...its really fun!!! (thanks for breaking your foot mom so i can educate myself with casts and broken bones!!)

-- i lost a good friend of mine to a bullet in his nose...he died in Thiagos was honestly one of the worst experiences ive ever had...ive never seen anybody shot in front of me and then die in our friends arms...

-- i dated a guy before i met Billy who has 3 kids...i became a mom for about 8 months!

-- met alot of people from the "wrong" side of town..including a few the the "superiors" (pcc) i dont know why the fuck i know these people or why i meet them or why i am in the same place that they are...but they have helped me out countless times (ie- yolandos bike was stolen, i made a few phone calls and got the bike back the next day! )

-- became a HUGE reggaeira! i have gotten in touch with my REAL roots... ROOTS ROOTS ROOTS! POSITIVE VIBRATIONS!!!

-- gotten rid of my fear of singing solo...i sing every chance i get now...Billy and I were an awesome musical pair (hehe) he plays the guitar while i sing...oh we rock! literally..we do!!! sang original roots songs from here...funny how i only sing portuguese songs!! hah!

well thats just to sum up for now..i get to go home in 20 mins! yay!

leave some comments....i have no idea whats going on in YOUR life!!

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