
Jul 14, 2004 11:51

boys are stupid

enough said

i love him so much but yet sometimes i hate him too. *alknvaçksnf*

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mei_meng July 14 2004, 09:52:47 UTC
which is why women will eventually run the world. FEAR MEEE!!!!


lilblubunny1569 July 15 2004, 11:28:50 UTC
man its a shame we dont ALREADY run the world...i say we overtake the government, sounds fun right?


mei_meng July 17 2004, 12:21:42 UTC
you know what i just remembered? a long time ago you and i talked about taking over canada. what the hell would we do with canada?


lilblubunny1569 July 20 2004, 14:57:53 UTC
oh man, we DID talk about that. well canada...uhm...well its uhm one step closer to world domination (? maybe..) okay so screw canada, how about Mexico?

remember ROSE and BRITTNEY?!?!?!? ahahahahahahaha (falls out of chair from laughter) that summer was the best!


mei_meng July 21 2004, 11:26:16 UTC
YESS!! i can control lightning!!!

i wish we could go back to then.


lilblubunny1569 July 22 2004, 10:18:33 UTC
ahahahah those boys got soo scared! those were the best days ever!!!!!

hahah *knock knock* *mom answers door* boys say "are Rose and Brittney here?" we die laughing ahahahaahahaah


mei_meng July 23 2004, 06:21:14 UTC
ohohohohoh! you remember the clothes we were wearing? i felt like such a skank! and we must've walked by the pool like 5 or 6 times!


lilblubunny1569 July 23 2004, 15:31:21 UTC
oh man, but hey we were what 12, so its okay i guess lol. but we were so damn obvious about it though hahaha


slavetofate July 21 2004, 08:06:16 UTC
I dont want to sounded uberly sexest, im all about equality, But this is a fact. Women have a tendency to be all fucking talk and no fucking walk. They say they will do something and almost never do it. I have seen it alot of times. Maybe its just a personal problem. But thats just something i seena lot.


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