May 25, 2006 15:02
okay so i am in like a good mood but i feel out of place here...i mean all my friends seem to havig lives that are going downward and only down and i dont know what to do..some i dont see so obviously they dont talk to me but others they dont tell me like anything anymore....idk what is going on...i mean almost everywhere i look i see devastation on poples lives while im sitting here living life better and it makes me sad...idk maybe im wrong and im only seeing the bad things but it hurts me when i see me friends hurting...
well anyways my day is pretty good...i mean its that means tomorrow starts off the weekend..tonight i have church softball...then classes went well today...
bio-disected frogs
so today went well haven't had much to do in classes so its kinda easy...then this morning i got the best thing guys are the first to know about this....i found a flute on the counter from the zeiglers...idk if im borrowing it or if its ours but it works for me...its so great...and im so excited all the keys work so thats a major plus...yeah im excited about it
oh this weekend i may be going to ohio to visit my aunt and family who live down should be fun to go...
oh i realized yesterday and kinda today that tomorrow is my last friday of the year cause next friday is hoby so im not going to school and then i realized that next week i have only 3 days of school...ahh its great...
well thats about all right now...