here we are. . .

Oct 16, 2004 14:48

Finally, the weekend has arrived. This week felt so long for some reason. Anyway, it wasn't all that bad. I didn't feel well a majority of the week, and swimming was an all time hard week. Hm..Wednesday we had a half day which was cool. My stupid computer broke down, so Luis is fixing it. Last night I went to practice and Paul wasn't there so it was only Kim for a while. I got there a half hour late, because my mom wasn't home in time to drive me. I apologized and the bitch was like "I don't care, save it for someone else, you're already a half hour late" I was like..."well excuse me, I can't drive yet, so it's not my fault, don't flip out on me." Then Steve told me she was in one bitchy ass mood because no one was listening to could I blame anyone for not. She carried on like a 5 year old. She was ridiculous, we were doing sets from the blocks, and she was starting people on top of eachother...not only was in dangerous but then she was like pick it up stop swimming on top of eachother...well um, lets think about it smartie, who's idea was that? Retard. I was so infuriated. I wanted to get out and be like fuck you bitch..but what I want to do, and what I do, are two different things. So after practice a few people tried to talk to her and see what the deal was and she refused to talk to them. Now that is just immature on her part...granted she is only 2 years older than most of us. That could be the problem. Liz and Jaime stayed to coach the little kids, and they said Kim talked to them and said she was just disappointed with everyone's lack of respect for her and no effort at practice. anyway, I got home and took a 5 minute shower, literally..and I am fully aware that, it is abnormal for me. Threw some make-up on and got money. Linds and Sasha picked me up and we went to Orlando's for some pizzaaa. I ordered three slices and the guy was like sorry, I can't sell it to you. I was like why? He was like because I know you won't eat it and I don't like to see my pizza wasted. I was like Ohhh, trust me, I will eat all of it. He was like but you are soo "askinny". I was like I can eat. So then he was like ok, I'm going to watch you eat, which he did, and then when he wasn't looking I gave Sasha 1/2 of one of my slice, because I was getting full and then I was like look!! I finished all of it! And he was like wow, good girl! He was like that's good advertisement for my restaurant! I said well it was really good, so of course I wouldn't waste it. He was like I love this girl, do you want a job here..but then I was like well...I can only work on I'm not so sure..he was like do you live close? I was like yeah, 2 minutes away. He was like I never see you here..I was like oh that's because my dad always comes...he was like what's your last name..I was like Patterson, he was like oh yeah yeah I know him. Anyway, after that we went back to Lindsay's house to check if she left her straightener on, which she did not, and then we looked at the yearbook from howell middle school. much everyone has changed. Fra called finally, and we met her and Justine at Howell lanes. That's right...we went bowling!! It was so much fun. Matt, Justine's boyfriend came, and so did Liz and Jaime. Man, it was awesome. I bought fake teeth and wore them, and people were laughing their asses off. We bowled next to the coolest kids, from of the guy's names was DANE!! How awesome is that?!!! And one of the girls's names was DANA. It was pretty happenin'. DANA threw her ball into my lane by was funny though. And Jaime is the weirdest bowler I know..but she's veryyy good. Some 15 year olds were hitting on Jaime, and kept asking for her number, and I told them she was gay and liked women, and then they ran away, literally...haha hilarious. I make new friends wherever I go. I told these other guys they were sitting on a chair the wrong way and they were like...sorry, are these yours or something? I was like yeah...they are, and then they sat down the right way, and they were like is that better? I was like yuP! Thanks! This white trash guy, he was wearing a white trashbag hit on Sim..haha Sim was Liz's bowling name. yes it was a blast to say the least. Then we raced to Ice Cream on 9 and ran in literally..and got ice cream! It was sooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOD, even if I did look like I stuck my face in a pile of shit. Jaime and Liz drove me home. It was fun...but then today I woke up and did all college apps..and I feel accomplished, I just need to write 2 more essays for college. 2 down, 2 to go. Babysitting tonight...=) Maybe I can get my 72 pages of Hamlet homework read. I desperately need birthday is..17 days away, and I need moneyyyy for gas! Enough babbling..
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