May 27, 2003 21:52
.: B.a.s.i.c.s :.
.:*~First Name: Jennifer...grrrrrr
.:*~Middle Name: Annette
.:*~Last Name: Rhoads
.:*~Nickname(s): Jenn and Blondie
.:*~Gender: Last time I checked I was female…and nothing’s changed.
.:*~Age: 17
.:*~Birthday: May 1st 1986
.:*~Height: 5’7”
.:*~Hair color: BLONDE
.:*~Eye color: blue
.:*~Race: I’m white
.:*~Do you wear glasses or contacts: yup…glasses
.:*~Do you have braces: Nope
.:*~Is your hair long or short: um…long I guess
.:*~Where were you born: Portsmouth, VA
.:*~Current location: Obviously I’m in front of my computer
.:*~Zodiac Sign: Taurus
.:*~How many languages do you know: How many languages do I need to know?
.:*~Nationality: American
.:*~Bad habits: um…smoking, but I don’t want to go there….
.:*~Piercings you have: ears
.:*~Tattoos you have: I will in a year
.:*~Piercings you want: umm…I'm too blonde to know that....
.:*~Tattoos you want: don't make me think, my brain hurts
.:*~Today’s date: May 27, 2003
.:*~The time: 9:57pm and this is gonna take awhile
.:*~Ready for a bunch more questions: only if they aren’t stupid, but I know they are so sure why not?
. : F.a.m.i.l.y : .
.:*~Mother's name: Carla
.:*~Father's name: Ken
.:*~Step-parent's names, if any: no
.:*~Brother(s)'s name(s): Eric
.:*~Sister(s)'s name(s): Katie
.:*~Favorite aunt: that would have to be Ady or Connie
.:*~Favorite uncle: ALL
.:*~Favorite grandparent: Grandma and Grandpa…he’s not blood related…I wish he was
.:*~Worst relative: Dunno
.:*~Best relative: Grandma
.:*~Do you get along with your parents: One of them
.:*~Does anyone in your family understand you?: ha! Yeah right!
. : P.e.t.s : .
.:*~Do you have any pets: Dusty, my baby, and the mean Rocky
.:*~ What are their names: Read what it already says
.:*~What kind of animals are they: dogs
. : S.c.h.o.o.l : .
.:*~Are you still in school: yes
.:*~ Did you drop out: Obviously not
.:*~Current gpa, or last gpa you got: who knows?
.:*~ Favorite grade: junior year…but hopefully senior year is better
.:*~Least favorite grade: all of the rest
.:*~Favorite teacher: Mr. Clawson
.:*~Least favorite teacher: Mrs. Daniels
.:*~Favorite subject: English
.:*~Least favorite subject: History and Geometry
.:*~Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: it’s not worth it
.:*~Play any sports on the school's team: um...hell no
.:*~Do/did you do any extracurricular activities: nope
.:*~Are/were you popular: um…popular? My friends like me…I think….hmmm…
.:*~Favorite dance: prom was the best
.:*~Favorite memory: Katie's prom
.:*~Least favorite dance: SBHS homecoming, big fight with Katie, lotsa drama
.:*~Least favorite memory: being in school
.:*~Most humiliating moment: Falling down the stairs and fracturing my ankle in front of my old crush
. : F.a.v.o.r.i.t.e.s : .
.:*~Number: 7
.:*~Clothing brand: who knows? I just wear clothes
.:*~Shoes: the ones I wear
.:*~Saying: “Get it! Get it!” haha…inside joke
.:*~TV show: Charmed
.:*~Sport: football
.:*~Vegetable: I’d say cucumbers, but someone might take it the wrong way
.:*~Fruit: oranges
.:*~Movie: Fast and the furious and some whatever else i like
.:*~Magazine: Teen People
.:*~Actor: Vin Diesel
.:*~Actress: dunno
.:*~Candy: snickers
.:*~Gum: um….spearmint
.:*~Scent: chamomile
.:*~Candy bar: gee...i wonder
.:*~Ice cream flavor: ben an jerry's...doesn't matter as long as it has caramel
.:*~Color: black, blue, silver, purple…..
.:*~Season: summer
.:*~Holiday: Christmas…I get cool shit
.:*~Band: Linkin Park
.:*~Singer: dunno
.:*~Group: ???? Murder Inc. lol it’s a group…..of rappers
.:*~Rapper: probably 50 Cent, Eminem, or Ja Rule
.:*~Type of music: Rap/Hip-hop, but /I listen to everything
.:*~Thing in your room: my stereo
.:*~Place to be: my room
.:*~Radio station: Hot 99.5
.:*~TV channel: MTV Hits!
.:*~Junk food: I dunno…I don’t eat a lot of that
.:*~Overall food: food
.:*~Store: wherever i can buy clothes
.:*~Shoe brand: didn’t we already discuss this?
.:*~Fast food: Subway, Wendy’s, or McDonald's
.:*~Restaurant: Joe's Crab Shack
.:*~Shape: never thought about it
.:*~Time of day: night!
.:*~Country: I wouldn’t know…I’ve never left this one
.:*~State: Florida, NY, or Cali
.:*~Boys name: Travis or Chris
.:*~Girls name: Emma or Ana Lise
.:*~Mall: any mall is good
.:*~Video game: ummmmmmmm............
.:*~Shampoo: Herbal Essence “Yes Yes!” lol
.:*~Board game: scrabble….I make bad words
.:*~Computer game:
.:*~Car: Mustang!
.:*~Music video: Usher: You make me wanna
.:*~Swear word: FUCK
.:*~Word: FUCK
.:*~Month: May
.:*~Cartoon character: ummmmmmm........
.:*~Scary movie: whatever scares me, i dunno.....these are stupid
.:*~Team: lots of em
.:*~Possession: Stereo and Cds
. : W.h.a.t.s T.h.e F.i.r.s.t T.h.i.n.g T.h.a.t C.o.m.e.s T.o M.i.n.d W.he.n Y.o.u H.e.a.r : .
.:*~Eminem: DAMN!
.:*~Dog: Dusty Dinger
.:*~Hot: Chris
.:*~Britney Spears: Nasty fucking whore
.:*~Nsync: no more!
.:*~Real world: welcome to it
.:*~Orange: peel
.:*~Choice: sure
.:*~Fuck: when and where....NO MORE WOODS!!! lol
.:*~Bisexual: whatever floats your boat
.:*~Black: cool
.:*~ICQ: next
.:*~Insane Clown Posse: Dark Carnival!
.:*~Linkin Park: sometimes
.:*~Jack: Jill
.:*~Rainbow: gold
.:*~Cherry: use ur dirty mind
.:*~Cucumber: that’s not right….we’re so not going there
.:*~Shark: OH NO!
.:*~Lifehouse: good songs
.:*~Bat: there was one by my
.:*~Leather: I dunno
.:*~Whip: hehe *blushes…..winks*
.:*~America: home
.:*~Water: refreshing
.:*~Volcano: eruption…lol
. : T.h.i.s O.r T.h.a.t : .
.:*~Rock or rap: rap
.:*~Rock or pop: rock
.:*~Rock or r&b: r&b
.:*~Rock or metal: rock
.:*~Rap or pop: rap
.:*~Rap or r&b: none
.:*~Rap or metal: rap
.:*~Pop or r&b: r&b
.:*~Pop or metal: pop
.:*~R&b or metal: r&b
.:*~Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit: Limp Bizkit
.:*~Tool or Korn: either
.:*~Selena or Jennifer lopez: J-Lo
.:*~Hot or cold: cold
.:*~Winter or summer: summer
.:*~Spring or fall: spring
.:*~Shakira or Britney: shoot me
.:*~ICP or Eminem: Eminem
.:*~Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie: Both scare me but Rob Zombie
.:*~Kittie or Garbage: umm…no
.:*~MTV or VH1: MTV
.:*~Buffy or Angel: um…Angel?
.:*~Dawson's Creek or GIlmore Girls: they cancelled Dawson…
.:*~Football or basketball: um…..Basketball….and we know why
.:*~Summer Olympics or winter Olympics: ummmm winter
.:*~Skiing or snowboarding: neither
.:*~Rollerblading or skateboarding: um…none
.:*~Black or white: black
.:*~Orange or red: red
.:*~Yellow or green: yellow
.:*~Purple or pink: purple
.:*~Slipknot or Mudvayne: none of the above
.:*~Hot Topic or Pac Sun: Pac Sun
.:*~Inside or outside: outside
.:*~Weed or alcohol: alcohol
.:*~Cell phone or pager: cell phone
.:*~Pen or pencil: pen
.:*~Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: Powerpuff girls
.:*~Scooby Doo or Dino: Scooby Doo
.:*~Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon: Pokemon
.:*~Star Wars or Star Trek: no
.:*~Tattoos or Piercings: um….tattoos….you can get more creative
.:*~Prep or Punk: punk
.:*~Slut or whore: Britney…is both…lol
. : P.r.i.v.a.t.e L.i.f.e : .
.:*~Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: not at the moment
.:*~Do you have a crush: sure why not
.:*~Do you love anyone right now: I love everyone…well at least my friends
.:*~Have you ever been in love: yeah once
.:*~How many people have you kissed: sorry…didn’t think to count
.:*~Who was your first kiss: Curtis
.:*~How many hearts of have you broken: 1 that I know of
.:*~How many people broke your heart: quite a few
.:*~Best quote to sum up love: Love Hurts
.:*~So what is your bf/gf/crush like: everything….but its impossible
.:*~Do you have a picture of him/her: possibly
.:*~Please post it if you do: um…no
.:*~Do you have a picture of yourself: of course
.:*~Please post it if you do: hell no
.:*~Do you go by looks or personality: personality…it’s all about the personality
.:*~Ever kiss a friend: yup
.:*~Are you still friends: yup
.:*~So moving along… do you smoke: yeah, but I don’t want to talk about that
.:*~Do you smoke weed: no….sure don’t…
.:*~Ever trip on acid: hehe….fun stuff
.:*~How about a little x : I heard it’s not that great
.:*~Crack, heroin, anything else: nope
.:*~Beer good or beer bad: beer bad….it’s nasty
.:*~Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: sometimes
.:*~Do you like Smirnoff Ice: I LOVE IT
.:*~Prefer beer or liquor: liquor
.:*~What kind of cigarettes do you smoke: we don’t need details
.:*~Are you a virgin: no…but I wish I was….I regret it…not because of
who it was with, but because I wasn’t ready when I did it….I still hate myself
.:*~If no, when was the last time you got some: I don’t see why that’s
. : W.o.u.l.d Y.o.u E.v.e.r : .
.:*~Bungee jump: sure
.:*~Sky dive: sure
.:*~Swim with dolphins: of course…dolphins are awesome
.:*~Scuba dive: yup
.:*~Go rock climbing: yes
.:*~Eat shit for $1,000,000: would you?
.:*~Turn your back on your friends for personal gain: hell no
.:*~Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: that’s fucked up
.:*~Cross-dress: sure../lol.
.:*~Lie to the police: sure
.:*~Run from the police: they couldn’t catch me…damn doughnut munchers
.:*~Lie to your parents: only my dad…I tell my mom everything
.:*~Walk up to a stranger and kiss them: depends on the stranger
.:*~Be an exotic dancer: nobody wants to see that
.:*~Walk out of a restaurant without paying: sure thing
.:*~Streak: once again, no one wants to see that
. : Y.o.u.r F.r.i.e.n.d.s : .
.:*~Best friend: Chris, Jenn, Nakita, Aubrey, Bryan, Chase, Aaron
.:*~Known longest: Clyde
.:*~Wish you talked to more: Clyde
.:*~Wish you saw more: Clyde
.:*~How many friends do you think you have: a lot
.:*~Who drives you insane after a while: I’m not gonna answer that
.:*~Who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: Chris
.:*~Ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': no
.:*~Craziest: Aaron
.:*~Loudest: probably me
.:*~Shyest: Bryan or Chris
.:*~Best hair: ME!! lol
.:*~Can always make you laugh: Chris, Aubrey and Aaron
.:*~Best eyes: ME!!
.:*~Best body: umm…I dunno?
.:*~Most athletic: none of the above…lol
.:*~Sex symbol: it depends….lol
.:*~Hot tempered: Me
.:*~Most impatient: Me or Chris
.:*~Shortest: Me and Nakita
.:*~Tallest: this Clyde
.:*~Talented: they all have their own talent
.:*~Best singer: me and Jenn…especially together
.:*~Skinniest: Clyde
.:*~Nicest: they’re all nice…but probably Chase
.:*~Best personality: All my friends have Great personalities…or else I wouldn’t be friends with them
.:*~Biggest drug user: um….we don’t do that
. : H.a.v.e Y.o.u E.v.e.r : .
.:*~Flashed someone: hehe… the good old days….
.:*~Told the person you liked how you felt: yup
.:*~Been to Michigan: why would I go there?
.:*~Gotten really REALLY wasted: HELL YEAH
.:*~Gone to jail or juvi: pretty damn close
.:*~Skateboarded: sure
.:*~Skinny dipped: does my bathtub count?
.:*~Stolen anything: shhhh….It’s a secret
.:*~Wanted to kick my ass for making this so long: yeah…where u at?
.:*~Kicked someone's ass: surprisingly….no
.:*~Pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Hell yeah
.:*~Broke a beer bottle: not a beer bottle…but a bottle….yes
.:*~Gotten into a bar, under-aged: um…no
.:*~Kissed someone of the same sex: on the cheek
.:*~Gone on a road trip: not really
.:*~Gone on vacation without adult supervision: not yet
.:*~Been to a concert: not technically
.:*~Been to another country: nope
.:*~Talked back to an adult: Every day
.:*~Got pulled over: I don’t drive
.:*~Got in a car accident: yes…..I could have died
.:*~Broke a law: Every day
.:*~Given money to a homeless person: no, but when I was in Boston… I wanted to bring one home wit me and name him George
.:*~Tried to kill yourself: yeah…bad memories
.:*~Cried to get out of trouble: hehe…..damn straight…they fall for it every time
.:*~Kissed a friend's brother or sister: yeah
.:*~Kissed a brother or sister's friend: yeah
.:*~Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it: no that’s wrong
. : O.p.i.n.i.o.n.s : .
.:*~What do you think...about pop music: eh
.:*~About boy bands: they’re cute
.:*~About flag burning:
.:*~Of the war on terrorists: war sucks
.:*~About suicide: it doesn’t solve a damn thing
.:*~About people who try to force their opinions on you: they can kiss my ass
.:*~About abortion: it’s murder….it’s wrong
.:*~About rock/metal music: cool
.:*~Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: in a cardboard box on the side of the road
.:*~Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: I dunno…hopefully Chris, Bryan, Nakita, Chase, Aubrey, Clyde, Jenn….and all my other friends
. : W.h.a.t D.i.d Y.o.u D.o : .
.:*~Last birthday: had a couple people over
.:*~Yesterday: um…went to school…had a really bad day…
.:*~Last weekend: chilled with friends….went to my aunt’s house
.:*~Christmas: spent the usual time at my grandma’s house with my WHOLE family……it was hell
.:*~Thanksgiving: more hellish family time
.:*~New Year's Eve: hehe…Jeremy and Jenny’s house….that’s the shit!
.:*~Halloween: I don’t think I did anything…I can’t remember
.:*~Easter: more hellish family time
.:*~Valentine's day: oh god…..please don’t remind me…I regret what I did on Valentine’s day
. : T.h.e L.a.s.t : .
.:*~Thing you ate: pizza
.:*~Thing you drank: coke
.:*~Thing you wore: the same thing I’m wearing now...sweatpants and a tank top
.:*~Place you went: Food Lion
.:*~Thing you got pierced/tattooed: my tongue…then my back
.:*~Person you saw: my dad…..*gags*
.:*~Person you kissed: Jenny…lol….well she kissed my forehead
.:*~Person you fucked: that’s none of your damn business
.:*~Person you talked to: Jenny
.:*~Song you heard: 50 Cent~21 Questions
. : Now : .
.:*~What are you eating: nothing
.:*~What are you drinking: coke
.:*~What are you wearing: I just told u that
.:*~Any shoes on: no
.:*~Hair: looks like shit
.:*~Listening to: JayZ
.:*~Talking to anyone: nope
.:*~Are you pissed i made this so long: um…..grrrrr
. : Y.e.s O.r N.o : .
.:*~Are you a vegetarian: no
.:*~Do you like cows: they’re cute
.:*~Are you a bitch: NATURALLY
.:*~Are you artistic: yup
.:*~Do you write poetry: all the time
.:*~Are you a fast runner: yeah right
.:*~Can you ski: never tried
.:*~Are you British: not that I’m aware of
.:*~Do you want to spear britney: that could be taken the wrong way….I’d like to kill her…yes
.:*~Do the voices talk to you: constantly
.:*~Did you ever give Barbie a haircut: yup
.:*~Would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: of course
.:*~Do you think Disney creators were on acid when they made Alice in wonderland: I KNOW they were
.:*~Are you straight: yes….
.:*~Are you ½stupid, ¼insane, and another ¼physically handicapped: that’s obvious
.:*~Are you fat: very fat
.:*~Are you skinny: yeah right
.:*~Are you short: yup
.:*~Are you tall: not if I’m short
.:*~Do you own a hot pink shirt: I can’t say that I do
.:*~How about orange pants: um….no
.:*~Can you see the flying monkeys: all the time
.:*~Are you evil: hehehe…….yes
.:*~Did you ever know someone who had a mullet: sure
.:*~Is Brittany a whore: you know it
.:*~Are you a teenage zombie: maaaayyyyyyybbbbbbbeeeeeeee
.:*~Am I annoying you: yes….I want to hurt you
.:*~Do you like Marilyn Manson: um…..
.:*~Are you secretly from another planet: I can’t tell you that….it’s a secret
.:*~Did you ever touch someone else's private parts: shhh….it’s private
.:*~Do you shop at hot topic: sometimes
. : R.a.n.d.o.m Q.u.e.s.t.i.o.n.s : .
.:*~If you could be any animal, what would you be: a frog
.:*~If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: chicken nuggets
.:*~Do you remember any of your dreams: yes
.:*~Do you dream in color or black and white: color
.:*~Do you admit when you need help with a problem: not always
.:*~Can people read you like a book: no way
.:*~What's your biggest fear: being unloved and alone
.:*~Do you talk a lot: yup
.:*~Are you afraid of clowns: hell yes…”Can’t sleep, clowns will eat me”
.:*~Do you like spiders: eww…they scare me too
.:*~How about grape Kool-aid: sure
.:*~Can you drive: um…kinda
.:*~Are you spoiled: only in the sense that I get to do practically whatever I want
.:*~Are you anti-social: sometimes
.:*~Do you see dumb people: um…when don’t I see dumb people?
.:*~Do you see dead people: yes
.:*~Current Desktop Picture: um…let me look…some Vortec space shit
.:*~Current favorite group: my group of friends…lol
.:*~Current Cds in stereo: there’s 60 Cds in my stereo…I mean, if you really want me to list all of them……………
.:*~Current color of toenails: Silver glitter!!! It’s cool looking!
.:*~Current worry: um….that I screwed things up to a point where they can’t be fixed
.:*~Current Hate: school….and half the people in it
.:*~Current Love: music…and poetry
.:*~Any last words: Go to Hell!!!!!!!!
.:*~Now that this is over, what are you going to do: write a 5 page English paper