May 22, 2005 09:13
okayy well yesterdayy wass a longggggggggg dayyyy.....frist off i was at the high school from 12:20 to abouttt 8:00 soo that STUNK! ohh and every one in the mini showw were so cute! alex did so great she was the star of the preschool! and jared<- not sure on spelling* but anyways she was so good the best one in his class...he looked like he was about to kill this girl because she kept sayss jared you look soo cuteee andd jaredd its almost you numberrr haha hes face was like ERRGGG but it was funny and he was good and kept in his anger witch me and bria prayed for haha cause she knows how he gets and from what i hear its not preetty....thennn FINALLY it was my dress rehursall witch wentt greatt except that some girl in my class LOST her really cool shirttt so thats a bumerrr....and anyways the worst part was when i littarley had to like strip bria down im legit like 35 secondss it was sooo stress full my and macayla creonte were like both putting her shoes on and hat and all that shit haha but we manged it witch what goooddd.... soo i think EVERYONE SHOULD COME WATCH ALL OF US!!! and as macayla sayss ITS HER LAST YEAR SO SHE HOPES ALOT OF PEOPLE COME TO SEE! wellllll reginaa is really sick with a tummy ache and her trought hurts she like cant talk and shes got a 102.5 tempature! but anyways im going to go call my lovleyy briaa too see what she is up to this MORNINGG and mayyybee see if i can go to the mini show with herr cause i wanna watch themm.... boy you stay on my mind you forfill my fantaceyss i think about you all the time i see you im my dreams......