Jun 30, 2004 01:00

Banka is seriously getting on my nerves. He can never play nice on the DMT board.

Banka if you're reading this and you reply and can't play nice, God have MERCY on your soul child. So help me Banka, say ONE mean thing in MY Livejournal, I will WALK my ass out your way if I have to!

Moving onward with my slowly moving life...

I'm torn. There are two men in my life that I have rather strong feelings for.

One I have been in love with for almost two years now, as I have read in my old deadjournals. He and I have a very twisted past--take the word twisted for what you will--and I just recently had him come back into my life. His ex and I never really saw eye to eye, and therefore there was some confrontation. He missed out on almost ten months of my life, as I did with his. I constantly said I could live the rest of my life without speaking to him, damnit was I wrong. When we started speaking again about, shit, two/three weeks ago, a great weight was lifted from my shoulders.

The other, I just recently met. I really feel connected to him. He's a part of this Youth Group I've been attending lately--Generation Impact. He gave his testimony my second week as a member. He told about how he was, at one point into drugs and alkie hol and sex. Then he found his religion, through a friend. Quite like me actually. Had it not been for Cayla, I would probably have run from home already or be obsessing over asshole still. There's something about him that really attracted me.

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