Jun 22, 2005 11:52
Don't tell me I already know.It's been a month...... SOOO SORRY i've neglected this poor website lol..I have nothing to talk about really..Nothing is going on with my life I have no candyman!el tearo but you know I'm gonna follow Emily's advice and NOT CARE..Anywho i'm turning 16 in less than a month!!Score X2 hahahahahaha! Also I'm not moving I'm gonna live with my Grandma for next school year.For the following year senior year were still working out the grusome details...I might have to live with my aunt who cant cook good food...and i'm kinda close to her but not really.Lets hope my grandma sees i'm a good girl and she'll let me live with her again everybody pray and cross your fingers..... anthing else?????Oh my new nieces name is gonna be Sage she might even be born within the next week!!!!!awesomeness I love babies but they don't get fun until they are Peytan's age....WEll anywho i'm gonna go i'll try harder to update my LJ more xoxox<3 britt