::EDIT FEB 4,2007::
So my first entry. I guess a little back info would be nice. So, my parents are divorced. My mom never remarried but my dad is living with his girlfriend coming up on almost 6 years now I suppose. She's an absolutely horrid woman, too. I despise her. I have a younger sister also, she lives with my mother.
I live with my boyfriend Andre. We've been dating since June 24, 2004. He's great. We have a lot of ups and downs, mostly ups though :) We have 4 cats and one bird.
I go to a community college and I work for the Miami Dolphins at their training facility. I love sports, all kinds. I love music, also all kinds :)
Now to the down and dirty. I have a lot of thoughts that don't come out. I think that's really why I need a journal. To get them out. A lot of questions about myself. I have a lot of self-doubt and a lot of insecurity. I always have. I think until i'm able to see myself in the mirror the way I see myself inside I won't be happy. I guess everyone feels that way every once in awhile but I feel like that every day. I second guess what I should be doing, eating, feeling, etc.
I guess that's about it. This really will all be about what I do every day, how I feel, what I think, etc. I tend to be very calm but sometimes can be very animated or even obscene if i'm angry. So if it is too much for you to read curse words, sexual content, real thoughts, etc. you probably shouldn't friend me. That's one reason i'm making this journal Friends Only. Just ask to add me, if I see we have a lot in common I won't have any problem adding you. Or, if you're from a community i'm a member of, let me know! Otherwise . . .