Jan 24, 2005 07:21
so how's that snow everybody?! While most of you were sleeping in yesterday I had to get my sorry ass up at 3:30 and go to work with my mom from 5-2:30..Atleast I get paid right? made over $15 in tips, an dhad to shovel every once in a while unless Fernando decided to be nice cuz I blew away the last time I had done it. After work I got thrown into a snowbanks 3 times! not fun, but I brought him down the last time. It took my mom 30 min to wake me up. First it was shaking and throwing cats onme, then taking the blanket and the pillows away from me, finally putting snow in a baggy and putting up my shirt helped....Ya I went to bed last night around 6-7 telling everyone to wake me up at 8-9..nope that didn't work...I hear the phone arounf 10 and almost had a heart attack and it was Mike just wanting to say good night(awww) and I woke up 12 hours later..oh yea I caught up on my sleep. Well good luck to anyone who has to go out in the snow...Laura I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, I'm here for you if you need me you know that. How much snow did we actually get? in between 2-3 feet...damn...