Jan 10, 2005 06:43
First best friend: [i can't spell her name but some girl in my apt building]
First car: [none]
First real kiss: [Anthony}
First break-up: [Eric, none of you know him]
First screen name: [badprincess86]
first album: [i forget]
First funeral: [my nana since i wasnt allowed to go to my dads]
First pet: [ernie and bert, my hampsters]
First piercing: [well when i finally kept them i was in the 4th grade]
First credit card: [none}
First true love: [let's not talk about that....]
Last cigarette: [I do not smoke]
Last car ride: [last night]
Last kiss: [when i saw Mike last week]
Last good cry:[I can't remember...when my brother smacked my tattoo yesterday]
Last library book checked out: [a book for summer reading]
Last movie seen: [Darkness]
Last beverage drank: [Pepsi]
Last food consumed: [Pasta Roni]
Last phone call: [Mike]
Last time showered: [this morning]
Last shoes worn: [black DC Shoes]
Last CD played: [Ra]
Last item bought: [Fried Dough]
Last annoyance: [guys thinking they can break up a friendship]
Last disappointment: [no sleep lately]
Last time wanting to die: [umm long ago]
Last shirt worn: [the one i'm wearing now]
Last word you said: [eww it's flaking(my tattoo)]
Last song you sang: [a song last night]
What is in your CD player?: [Green Day, Adema, DJ Bangin 3, Breaking Bejamin]
What color socks are you wearing?: [none right now]
What Color underwear are you wearing?: [yellow and black]
What's under your bed?: [shoes]
What time did you wake up today?: [5:45]
Current music: [the humm of the comp]
Current taste: [i dunno]
Current hair: [curly and down]
Current desktop picture: [a pool table]
Current book: [The Edge of Sleep]
Current color of toenails: [black]
Current time-wasting wish: [being on the comp]
Current hate: [people and not getting any sleep]
One or the Other:
1. Black or white? [black]
2. Boxers or briefs? [boxer]
3. Coke or Pepsi? [either]
4. Salt or pepper? [salt]
5. Sweet or sour? [sweet]
6. Vanilla or chocolate? [chocolate]
7. Short or long? [in between]
8. Cheap or expensive? [cheap]
9. Firm or soft? [soft]
10. Hot or cold? [hot]
My favorite...
1. Color is: [black, red, and dark purple]
2. Song is: [no favorite]
3. Scent is: [adidas adreniline, AXE]
4. Alcoholic beverage is: [strawberry daiquiri}
5 things you ate in the last 24 hours:
1. Pasta
2. Fried Dough
3. Snowcaps
4. Orange
5 things you did so far today:
1. woke up
2. took a shower
3. put ointment on my tattoo
4. Brushed my teeth
5. went on the comp
5 things you can hear right now:
1. computer
2. TV
3. my brother eating
4. IMs
5 things you do when you're bored:
1. listen to music
2. go out
3. be on the phone
4. go online
5. sleep
5 people that never fail to cheer you up:
1. shauna
2. laura
3. Jon
4. Mike
5. shawn
5 things you can't live without:
1. friends
3. love
4. eating
5. music
5 things you love:
1. my friends
2. my family
3. getting piercings and tattoos
4. meeting new ppl
5. having fun
Yesterday I saw Darkness with Laura and my mom...It was a task to sit and eat my fried dough cuz i'm very messy...Well that's about it, my tattoo is healing so I'll be fine soon..