Sep 11, 2005 09:32
well alot going on lately. last friday like a week and a couple of days ago. my friend chris and mike9 who are step brothers ) got inot a big fight( like physical) and mike stayed the night with me. i dunno what he was on but he was more messed up than when he just drinks. well we went to bed at 545am and i had to get him up at 645 to get him ready for work. when i go to do that i cant wake him up( like i slapped him shook him ppoured water on him ...EVERYTHING!) he got sick the night before and threw up, but i thought it was because the alcohol and he was emotionally upset because of the fight. well i ended up calling 911 out to my house and they rush him off to the hospital. i ended up staying at the hospital for 7 hours with his mom and had to be the one to call her and let her know he wasnt waking up. wow. thats sucked. well they found no drugs in his blood and urine samples which they analized twice. but i think he either purposely did GHB or someone slipped him it becasue that doesnt show up and yeah.. the hospital diagnosed him with severe dehydration.ive researched it and yeah,.. well hes ok now and been chillin at home for the week. thats good i am scared if he goes out he will do soemthing stupid. lol oh well if he does thats his own falut. hopefully if he purposely did it not waking up and having to go to the hospital would be a wake up call.
well on to school. i called hcc and saw if since i took the cpt in highschool for dual enrollmetn and applied back then if i would need to apply and take the cpts again and i do since its been 2 years. so tuesday i am going to hcc and taking the cpt and meeting with an advisor. i called and got my transcripts and have financial aid stuff filled out. so yeah good to go i hope. i just hope i pass the tests because i havent been in school in a while and i am rusty on my math skills. i wasnt the best at that in highschool to begin with. lol . well i also talked to the colorguard director at USF and she was telling me if you are enrolled at HCC you can still be on the team at USF so for winterguard they have auditions on sept 25 and october 23 for like 5 hours each day . so yeah i think i am going to get my work schedule mon through fri and work like no later than 5 and then go to school after work and then colorguard has practices on on sat and suns for liek 5 hours each so thats good. i dont have to have school work and guard all in one day. i dunno if thats going to be too overwhelming or if i should just do school and work for one semester and then do gaurd in the fall. oh well i dunno give me your insight!
well medically somethings wrong with me. i am on birth control to regulate my periods and help with massive cramps. well at first its working, but now everytime i take it i feel really sick and get migraines. and i have been on my period for over a month now. i think i am going to go t othe doc tuesday before i go to HCC and after work and she whats up. i need a new birth control. i heard the shot is really effective but you have lots of weight gain and the patch i have heard isnt really effective so i dunno what. elle freaked me out becasue she said she went through the same thing and they found sisks on her ovaries. that scares me...
welll thats me in a nutshell right now except drama with close friend but i dont want to get into all that right now....
back to work... :(