Flesh Tattoos in a Snow Globe... EEEEEEEEW!!!

May 29, 2003 20:46

yea so whatever...

im tired of trying to get everyone not mad at each other. its pointless and its just really stressful.

people get pissed of at each other for stupid reasons and then they dont talk to anyone anymore. all my friends are slowly starting to drift away and anything i do doesnt do shit so frankly. I GIVE UP!... WHATEVER!!! FUCK OFF!!....

its stupid trying to make everyone keep the peace for one fucking day cuz they're too imature to keep snide remarks to themselves and bitching about other people to other people and it just give me a headache.. i do realize that this is one of my more BITCH entries but frankly i dont give a flying fuck.. so...

goodbye all my anal dwelling Butt Monkeys... love to all.. and whatever....

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