Feb 15, 2005 20:10
---HAPPY FUCKING LATE VALENTINES DAY! i almost cried yesterday i didnt get anything.. not even A HUG from anybody! yesterday is tha worst day ever. i never get anything for vtines day! and it made me wanna cry when i seen like 2 million gurls at school hvae roses and chocolates and everything!! everytime sum1 walked into tha classroom to deliver flowers i was like aww wish they wurr for ME! but we all know that wont happen! well i hope every1 else had a MUCH better valentines day than me!!
--- i have to go to the Doctor next week! becuz im like really sick. and i dont know what i have! and i havent got my monthly thing in about 5 months! my mom thinks im pregnet! wouldnt i be showing by now? im like omg WOW... by who? i have NO ideal. ive only kissed like 2 boys in my life.. y would i have sex with one?
--- my dad has been making me mad AS USUAL!! i cant stand him! UGHHH i just dont think im STRONG enough for this sh!t! its realllly bringing me DOWN. i just cant take it anymore. and im tiered of him and my mom bitching every 5 minnutes about a whole lot of NOTHING that i dont need to hear! they have NOTHING positive to say! last time they told me " good job" or " aww im so proud of u" or " your doing so good" or " that is soooo nice" or they have showed me ANY type of suport was when i was like 5 yrs old! WOW! i want to get away.. FAR FAR AWAY!!! i hate this house and the people in it! UGHHH! my step mom is being a bitch and she keeps giving me these smart ass comments like im stupid or sumthing!
--- schools a bitch like alwayz.. nothing ever seems to be RIGHT with me! like nothin is ever GOOD! i try my best to be happy and to be in a good mood. but sumthing or SOMEONE wants to fuck it up!