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Feb 20, 2012 09:30

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Amen to that. My last update was, what, a month and a half ago? Wow. Much is the same, but I still feel like life is rocketing along and I am barely holding on. We just got back from an awesome weekend in Chicago visiting Brad and Jenna. Their apartment is cool and has a sweet view of the city. We spent quite a bit of time walking around, seeing some of the sights, which was great for me because I actually haven't really been to Chicago despite living within 3 hours of it my whole life. So I'm looking forward to the opportunity to visit friends AND see new fun things.

The weekend totally exhausted me though. Shaun and I went to bed at 8:30 last night and I slept until about 7:00. I think we'll need to tweak our expectations for future weekends. Not so much running around next time. And we'll also have to do better prior planning. Shaun and I wanted to take Amtrak, but apparently you have to buy tickets a month in advance to get the cheap ($13 per person each way) tickets. I guess they go up as you get closer to the travel day, kind of like airline tickets. So by the time we went to buy them, it was way cheaper to drive. Driving downtown ended up being not too bad and we didn't have to do very much of it. But it was an excellent trip and it made me realize just how much I miss having my friends nearby. :(

The other thing of note since my last update is that I've switched up my gym routine. I was getting tired of the low weight/high rep strength training class I've been taking for a few months now, so I got myself a personal trainer to help me plan a new weight program emphasizing heavier weights and fewer lifts. I'm just working with her once or twice every 6 weeks or so I think, so not too much. Just enough to get a new program and learn it. I'm not too well versed with the weight room, so it makes me much more comfortable to have a guide. Tomorrow I will be trying the new routine on my own, and then Thursday I'll be with the trainer again to make sure I've got it right and can ask questions and such. So far so good - I was sore for a solid 3 days after my first session, which was simultaneously awesome and annoying. Soreness equals progress but man does it make life hard, especially when you have planned poorly and need to spend the weekend out walking around - ouch!

strength training, friends, trainer, fitness

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