(no subject)

Apr 15, 2010 19:36

Got my first job rejection letter today. I can't say I'm surprised. I had a feeling when I hadn't heard by yesterday that it wasn't going to work out. So I'd already sort of moved on in my head, but getting the actual rejection still sucks. Especially when they're so damn nice. She pretty much told me that I was a very strong candidate, have great skills and interests, and did everything right, but I'm just not experienced enough. They hired someone with adult reference and YA experience. That's a bit distressing because this job had very low experience requirements - no minimum number of years and they didn't stipulate that it be "post-MLS" as I've seen in a lot of postings. So if I don't have enough for this job, it doesn't bode well for others.

I'm pretty bummed, because it would have been such a great position for me. I probably let myself get too excited. So I'm disappointed. But life goes on. I'll find something else eventually.

Funny though, it came the same day that I got my official congratulations from SLIS about passing my poster. So a congratulatory letter and a rejection letter all in one day. And that was the only mail we got today.

job hunting, life

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