(no subject)

Nov 14, 2009 11:29

I really need to write in this thing more. So much is going on in my life now that I really should keep some sort of record, but it's so hard when I'm so busy all the time... I guess if I have enough time to read my FList (which I do - daily), I should have enough time to at least write a short post. I think I will try to post in here every day for the next week and see if that gets me back in the habit. :)

School is crazy, as per usual. A lot of the time, I feel like I'm just barely hanging on - getting stuff done at the very last minute, but somehow it all gets done. I really need to knuckle down and work on final projects this week, as I will be out of town (in NEW YORK CITY!) for Thanksgiving week, which is when I would have gotten a lot of catch-up work done.

Yesterday I went to the poster session for the SLIS students who are graduating this December. Instead of a thesis, each student has to present a poster of a research project/paper that they've done over the course of the degree. I graduate next spring and I haven't been to a poster session yet, so I figured I should go yesterday and check it out. My classmates are all doing some very interesting projects and I'll be hard pressed to come up with something cool of my own next semester.

After the posters session, the whole mess of us (students and their friends/family and the SLIS faculty) all went out for dinner and drinks. I had a really, really good time. I got to socialize with some people that I don't get to talk to much and it made me kind of sad that I missed out on hanging out with these cool people during the program, since I live an hour away and don't usually get to go to social stuff. The people at my table went from dinner to another bar to hang out more, which was also very fun. It was cool to have a group of people that don't know each other all that well go out and hang out for a couple hours and always have something to talk about. Like I said, too bad they're graduating next month.

In fitness news, I am participating in a program that starts tomorrow that I am SUPER excited abut (Can I just say that I think it's awesome that I am actually *excited* about a fitness program? Me! Who would have thought!). It's called the Lazyman Triathlon. Basically, it's all the elements of an Ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run) but you have 6 weeks to complete it. I still think people that try to do it all at once are kind of insane, but I'm looking forward to doing it this way. The swim will be easy (I *could* finish it in 2 trips to the pool, but I'm going to break it into 5 probably) and I can break the running down into 3 mile segments. The biking is what will be the challenge to finish as I think my day to day obligations will keep me from riding more than 10-12 miles or so at a time.

So let's see here...
2.4 mile swim / .5 mile increments = 5 swims
112 mile bike / ~10 mile increments = 11 rides
26.2 mile run / 3 mile increments = 9 runs

25 workouts all together and I have 45 days to do it (though I will be in NYC for a week and I figure I'll only get one run and maybe one ride in, depending on whether or not the guest pass to Lindsey's gym works out). Since I'm only doing half mile swims, which only take 15-20 minutes, I can probably get in 10 miles on the bike afterward and combine those two workouts. I'm crossing my fingers that my Dad can help me set up the stationary bike in the basement, as that will make completing the rides a lot easier.

fitness, library school

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