Mar 11, 2010 13:10
And then life turns you around to face the right direction.
after the crap with conor i got angry. and with anger came the ripping off of the blinders. seriously, i wanted him bcak...then i thought about it and reread some of my entries and realized i was crazy. i was o not happy and we areso not right for each other. if anything, i should have broken up with him.
i am finally confidant in who i am and what i want. i do not want to come in second. i have plans for my future fo first time ever, although once i have my license i may opt out of michigan. barring meeting the love of my life, i see nothing stopping me.
i started a second job on monday which leaves me with no day off and very little free time, but i don't care. am finding time fo the things i want to do. i can now make enough to be completely independent and save for my new car graduation present. this is my life and i will finally live it the way i want to.
in other news, a friend i had been innocently firting with prior to the breakup is a little more active in my life. he's not interested in a long distance relationship and i am no way ready to date, so for now i have a friend to kemy thoughts off of my mending heart. and it means i am spending a fair amount of my precious free time in east lansing
if some of this doesn't make sense, sorry. it was typed on my phone during my lunch break.