back in Peru

Jul 19, 2007 17:28

I've been back in Peru for a little over a week now.  The first few days were a little strange, for many people were like "oh, you weren't gone for too long" when I felt like my life was very different.  Then of course it was to get in the groove of things again, I had put all of the peace corps work in the backburner for 2 months...and now to switch gears.

Within 5 days I was out traveling with the new Peace Corps trainees...Peru 9, to accompany them in their field based training, and where I am currently at.  I've spent the last 5 days in the highlands, facilitating the trainees in running a business simulation  (first teaching business skills, then having them get a "loan" and run a business for a day).

Its been pretty chilly, but an amazing experience, especially since it was a recipe for disaster, the three main planners of the simulation could not arrive, so my boss, one of the trainers and me had to pull things out of our butts. But Peru 9 is awesome, they were totally prepared with their lessons and flexible with teaching in another language.  I'm also enjoying meeting them, we are having tons of fun joking, and answering questions about Peace Corps.  The simulation went extremely well, there were a few hiccups here and there (mostly with stupid beaureucracy stuff, like a director that did not want to sign a certificate because of minute details).  Many groups made a small profit, all of them broke even, and all of them learned a lot more than I ever expected.  Throughout the week I went from classroom to classroom assisting the trainees in their spanish, and helping them understand Peruvian culture better (like all of the frustrations I wrote in my journal about the education system here).  To the students I'm known as "la brasileña, la chica mala, la chica loca...etc" and by the trainees as the one that will bring energy into the classroom, invent a punishment (for coming in late, or not turning in homework) on the spot (like bailet, or frog jumping), and having tons of ice-breakers.

Basically, I'm back in my element and I am loving it.  Part of me still is worried about what is going on at home, and I would like to talk to my parents more often, but I'm very glad to be back here again.  Some volunteers don't understand why I am so excited to be back, especially the ones that are counting the days to go home....but I am glad.
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