Jun 25, 2004 20:46
OUCH!!!!! Where do I start?!, well sunday I worked from 4-9 well Kree(one of my boss's) told me i could leave cuz we were that busy so it was about 8 when i punched out, and i was walking trough the kitchen for her to sign my time card(cuz i didnt go on break) so i was walking back through the kitchen talkin to Shannon and well just as i was walking by the whole pot of hott soup fell on my foot, yes thats right on my foot, i was in tears that whole night pretty much, Kree told me to ice it as long as possible and if it gets bad take me to the hospital so monday morning i had my mom look at it and it was really bad, all swollen and black/purple and all blistery, it looked pretty sick and wrong, so my mom called me in school and went to the hospital, they said it was second degree burn, i am just luck Kree got my sock and shoe off in time and it didnt go higher on my foot bc then i would have had to go to the burn specialist which would have sucked, and now they got me taking 2 kinds of pills, i cant walk on it or put pressure on it i can only walk on the ball of my foot cant put a shoe on or anything, so today i went to the doctor he said dont pop the blisters let 'em pop on there own and keep it wraped and clean and keep the burn cream on it, i was like oh shit i am suppose to go camping how am i gunna do this im gunna cry if i cant go so i talked to my doc and he said i could go so im happy about that, i just hope this doesnt last long, , 2nd degree burn suckz big ass monkey balls and hurts like a bitch!!!!
Well thats all for now jus thtought i would let you all know about my pain!!! oh i guess the good part about this is i cant work til next tuesday! the doc took me off from both jobs, so yay!? i guess lol.....well im off ill ttyl!!!