..its been awhile..

Sep 19, 2004 13:51

So havnt wrote in this mother in a little bit.. butt nothings goin on..
We lost to kettering but Varsity won..fuck yeah mother fuckers lol..
It was the shittest feelin in the world..Just wait were bout to kill em at Mott, oh yeah and for all you kettering kids..you did not slaugter us..we lost by 9.. thats not a lot..at all..doofus's lol..
Friday thou we didnt practice a lot jus until 6 bcuz we were all "sick" and then went to Megan's house for a little team hang out night..then went to Kelly stamps.. Got kicked outta there..(LOL FREAKIN KRIS N COX) hahah, then hit up Sean Jackson's house..er w/e..and then left came back home and passed out with Jay:) yay..
Saturday didnt wake up until 230 n then hung out with Jay the whole day it was wonderful we cleaned his car out woahhhh then washed it and went n got some oil for that motherrrr.. then he stayed til 9ish then left to go work out and I went to my dads to make the warm up cd that got erased wonderfulllll..Then came back here at 130 n ptfo definatly..and I think jay called me..but I was toooo sleeeeepy sorry hun love yah xoxo..
Wellll for today we went to the Hockey car wash and there were some girls there..lol? I thought it was hockey weirdosssss.. But im gettin ready to go do some more work on the warm up cd..:) later bitchesss
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