Jul 02, 2008 16:15
I'm the first person to admit the rules of the road as I learned them from friends, coworkers (and, once upon a time, carpool moms) include a certain flexibility. Speed of traffic, for instance, if 5 miles above whatever is posted and slowing to posted will get you glared at by working mom and nice old grandads alike.
On the other hand, flexibility does not imply bending the law until it snaps like a twig.
Today's idiot award goes to the guy in the shiny black Nissan (plate #334 5742). You had no woman in labor in your car. Yes, I checked. Ergo, there is an approximately 97% probability that you just are that reckless of a driver. Please have the courtesy to either cut down on the caffeine or switch to public transportation as most of us have no desire to get taken out with you.
*Looks around, waves, steps down from soapbox feeling better.*
In other news, I'm currently somewhat fascinated by the Reverend Dr. Andrew Greeley's Father Ryan mysteries.
Both the author and the main character are Chicago folk, but it's a Chicago that's nearly as foreign to me as that presented in the classic Blues Brothers movie. The fact that the primary narrator is a Irish Catholic bishop (and, as are most good guys worth their salt, a Cubs fan!) and therefore travels in circles rather different to my own may explain some of that.
Nevertheless, there's also enough familiar elements of the city that I have to sit there and occasionally bob my head in familiarity (Vacillation between white flight and regentrification? The old Irish, Polish, and Italian families? The structure of the city around the L and the Metra? Yeah... Chicago...)
Anyway, rather a good read if you like rambly mysteries with lots of little opportunities taken out to talk about history, church politics, sociology and whatnot. A little prone to stereotyping in some areas, but most decidedly not in other areas. Nice book for curling up with over a cup of coffee.