It's Alive (Woof!)

May 06, 2009 14:52

The dog might be okay! Apparently he's got this Tick thing, yeah, actual ticks that can release toxic chemicals (stay away from my dog you fools!) His bloodwork they did while we were there was all good (kidneys, heart) but they also found 3 ticks on him, and my Dad's been taking him on hikes he takes up in the mountains in the morning, so he's gotten some medicine to kill off the ticks and we'll get to pick him up at 5 (after I have an eye doctor appointment) and see how he is, they have him now for observation. Ooo! A phone call just came in from the Animal Hospital Place and they say he's walking now! And tired but improving!

:D Fiesta! :D

I gardened today with my Dad. I bought some daisies and a tropical flower and planted them. We also have potatoes and tomatoes and peppers. Yay summer. And I didn't at all mind getting dirty, I'm totally embracing nature and loving it. I can't wait until I can get some Indian clothes I saw, that's will be awesome.

Oh! And I found an Orange Bug Car for sale! For like $2000. And the parents said they might buy it for me, and then I'd pay them back of course, but yay! I'll get the car I've been wanting for cheap and oh, I'm excited if this pans though. Isn't it amazing how life can change like this so quickly, and you get really blessed sometimes? I feel like the luckiest person right now, hurra!

I hope everyone's days are going well!

Note to self: buy some fake silk daisies at the store and make oneself a hippie crown, just cause.

summer, garden, bug, pal, car

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