May 09, 2005 21:57
Senior year was by far the Best year of Highschool and it went by way to fast....
In 11 days, im done...
No more coming into school late and seeing courtneys horrible parking job
No more dreading 2nd Periods english class with Ms. Chui
No more napping during 4th period on the beds in the nurses office with Mike and everyone else
No more of the never ending rapping and "beats" from the table behind us at lunch
No more phone calls to Barry and everyone elses parents to get dissmissed just to go out for lunch
----everythings just going to be different next year----
This year I feel so much closer to everyone and in only a few months we are all going our separate ways.... in a way I just dont want this year to end becuase i really dont wanna say goodbye to the people im going to miss so much.... ( i know we are only going to college and we will still see eachother on vacations, but its just not going to be the same )
sometimes i just wonder, who am i really going to stay close with..... call me crazy but im already thinking about trips to visit people, this year coming to an end, has really made me appreciate everyone in my life so much more
When i walk around the track on graduation day, i know ill just be thinking about all the good memories I had in the last four years, *so sorry guys if i walk kind of slow but I have alot of good memories*
i know im ready for something knew, but change is hard.......
i love all of my "05ers"