whoa there

Aug 27, 2008 21:37

ok so it's the democratic national convention...and i just have to say i want to throw up. i'm not really into politics but i have a massive desire to splooge on politics, so i figure this would be a good place to do it.

when i ask some my friends...why do you want obama to be president, i have gotten the same response "anyone but bush." SERIOUSLY?!? then i ask what they like about obama...what viewpoints do they agree with that they think would make him a good president, and no one gives me an answer. i cannot STAND when someone says they're voting for a person and they don't even bother exploring the facts. obama makes it seem like america is sure a tragic state and that it's virtually the end of the world. Obama states unemployment is unacceptable with a 94% employment rate, yet full employment is 97%....that's almost FULL EMPLOYMENT, it's the at the HIGHEST rate of employment in a LONG time, but people don't want to think that because of the evil Bush...and the evil war in Iraq. Soliders are dying out there...but does anyone want to mention that more soliders died under the Clinton administration than BOTH Bush Sr. and George W.'s combined? but Clinton is a DEMOCRAT...INCONCEIVEABLE!!!

Obama also wants socialized medicine. I don't know why any health care worker in their right mind would actually WANT that to happen. Yah, it works out great, as long as you don't get sick. You want an MRI,? you need surgery? you need chemo for stage 4 cancer? wait in line for 6 months with the hundreds of people in front of you, if you're not dead before then. Even though the concept of the quantity (aka number of people)  receiving health care is appealing...does anyone think about the quality???? 85% of the country has health care...yet we're going to change the ENTIRE SYSTEM for the 15% of the people who don't. People won't get shit for quality health care.Why do you think people from Canada are coming over to the United States?!?!? don't worry though.... Obama will save the world. and all of this health care for people who aren't working or are milking the government for all it's worth will have YOU to thank because it's coming out of YOUR hard earned paycheck. not to mention, i'm going to get punished because i have a good paying job, tax me more so i can give more to poor people who milk the government (yah i know not EVERYONE is like that, i get it). Oh yah, and Obama wants to have higher taxes too...which by the way history has shown that by the economy works better and the government deficits are actually DECREASED when taxes are LOWERED, not raised. but when you all go vote for obama and you're complaining about your jobs and why you're paying more taxes and if you're a health care worker why you're beating your head against a wall because your job sucks....you can thank the prophet Obama.

i can't vote for someone who is the most pro-choice senator in history. i can't vote for someone who was in FAVOR of terminating a fetus even when a 3rd trimester abortion fails (which means...you know, the fetus is a living breathing human being). i mean, i am for abortion in the 1st trimester if the mother's in danger or in cases of incest or race. but in my opinion, if you want to prevent having babies...it's called SELF CONTROL...keep your DICK IN YOUR PANTS. if you want to have sex...great, but it's YOUR choice and YOU are taking that risk willingly to get pregnant. but then again if you want to have an abortion and at least double your chances of having miscarriages and other medical issues then i guess that's your call.

obama also wants to take away your right to bear arms. i know gun control is a very sensitive matter to some people. now my family owns a lot of guns, we go target shooting, and we all know how to operate and use them. it's a constitutional right to protect yourself and bear arms. let's say obama wins and takes all the guns away. but then some guy busts in your house with a gun...how are you suppose to protect yourself. the bad part about this plan is that the law abiding citizens will be defenseless and the only people who will have guns will be the bad guys. guns don't kill people kids....people kill people.

and fyi...obama IS playing the race card no matter what anyone says. but i can't say that because i'm white and that automatically makes me a racist.

if you want to know the truth about mccain AND obama, read REAL articles that show the facts, screw the media. they're so caught up in obama they're treating him as The One. It's ridiculous. i mean i used to actually like obama, then i actually did RESEARCH and learned more about him and learned that I couldn't vote for him based on the RESEARCH and the FACTS i had learned. i want to state that mccain is not perfect in any way, shape or form. however, he does have...EXPERIENCE...he knows what he wants to do and he has a PLAN and know how he wants to carry them out. will they be the right plan? we can only hope so...but maybe not. but the fact of the matter is...mccain has a plan in the first place. obama gives very vague answers with "ending the war in iraq" and creating "better schools"...he doesn't answer the more important questions like...HOW?

why can't all politicians be like ronald reagan? a man that was PROUD of the country and didn't have to use negativity to get his point a cross...a president who put fear in other countries so they wouldn't mess with us...a president that inspired people and made them feel patriotic and proud to be an American. Mr. Reagan didn't put up with anyone's shit. everyone could learn a lesson from him. all this negativity to put each other down...with both parties...is just crap. did you hear bill clinton's speech!?!? good lord.

this is not meant to put down people who don't have jobs...because a lot of times it's out of their control. it's not meant to insult people or put anyone down. it's just a political rant. i know there's some bad stuff about mccain, but from what i've researched...he's is by far the better choice.

obama is like an addicting song on the radio....you hear for the first time and you think WOW HE'S SO GREAT. then after you  hear it 10 times a day you're like YAH HE'S STILL PRETTY GOOD. then day after day it's in your face 500 times a day it's like OK THIS IS ANNOYING. then when it's in your face every second of every day you're like OK STOP THE MADNESS YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF....and then you never listen to the song again, and you end up hating the band.

i guess in the end what i'm saying is please research before you vote in november. an educated voter is a smart voter.

and i'm pretty much out of gas here and i don't feel like editing what i wrote....i'm not looking to argue with anyone here....i just had to voice my opinion. thank god for free speech...one of the many things that make us the greatest country in the world...

oh and p.s. kwame kilpatrick and jennifer granholm are both giant douchebags. a big thanks to whoever voted for those losers.
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