WuT a WeeKenD

May 09, 2004 11:50

hMM lets see.. friday wuz kinda a long day at skool... after skool i went to marisas to dye her hair... didnt really work though... so we're gunna have to do that over... or she is.. we'll see... my dad picked me up from her house at like 5:15.. and we went to go pick up a pizza.. i wuz planning on going out after i went home n showered.. but i never made it to the shower.. i layed down n fell asleep.. too tired to do n e thing.. and josh called n sed we werent going out.. so0o0o i wuz like.. cool.. sleep.. haha i went to sleep at like 10:30 on a friday nite.. and guess wuT! last nite.. saturday nite.. went to sleep at 10:30 too.. wut a fag i know.. it sucks going to sleep early on the weekend.. cuz then you wake up early the next day... and u have nothing to DooOo.. i went to the mall yesterday.. i wuz there fer like 10 minutes when josh said he wuz gunna pick me up so we could go get his tux.. so0o he picked me up.. he got sized n wut not.. then he went home to shower and we went to the park to meet his family who was having their lil pre-mothers day picnic i guess... no idea.. but yea that wuz fun.. then we went to the movies and saw mean girls.. then josh dropped me off so he could go out with his butt lovers.. so i went to sleep... yeap.. too much damn sleeping.. i REALLY need to drive!! well... ima go watch sum tv er sumthin.. later hoes!

You should’ve known better than to think I would leave
You should’ve known better than to doubt me
It don’t matter if you are up
matter if you are down
Either way im gonna be around
You should’ve known that I would stay by your side
You should’ve known your girl was gonna ride or die
And it just don’t matter if ya rich or poor
Out or in doing 5 to10
You should’ve known better
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