Oct 05, 2003 09:09
been thinking. u know when i got into this relationship, i didn't think it'd turn out the way it is now. like seriously. i never ever wanted it to be a biased relationship, me liking him more than he likes me. but yet...inside i KNEW that it was going to happen. which kinda sucks. but well that's life ya know? so right now i'm like...totally confused. i dunno whut to do. i cna't handle this shit. i have too many things to worry about. he's like..on my mind 24/7. no matter what. i'm always worrying about him...and i dunno it seems like...it's going down the d r a i n . but you know, that's okay. when he loses me, he'll know whut he lost. and who's fault will that be? ... his.