small update! ^^

Sep 04, 2009 22:30

finalllly had the chance to update again! even though i had tuition free week from uni last wk, it was super busy with assignments and catchup >< finally got a bit of time to update but will be busy next wk and after since got so much midsems @___@

anyway this week of uni has been fun even though i had assignments and tests >< I got another language partner from Hyogo university! I just met her on Wednesday and her name is Utako! she's so cute and nice ^__^ Though unfortunately she's only staying for another week though T__T I also need to keep practising my Japanese speaking since its sooo bad >< i feel so dumb haha. I'm meeting her again on Monday and hopefully again some time in the week before she leaves.

As much as i repeated this, this year is seriously the worst year for vk bands >< soo many disbandments, band members leaving and so many jrockers falling ill >< though there will always be alot of disbandments, there's recently been so much. Mandy just told me today that CELLT is disbanding! I mustve missed it on S-T ><>< I'm still upset that Sou is leaving lolita T___T apart from the disbandments, there hasnt been alot of new vk bands im really into except for ViViD, they definitely stand out from the rest. Now im just  praying none of my fave vk bands will disband soooon!

I probably won't update until the next tuition free wk, but i'll try to comment and read as much of my friends' journals as i can ^^
see you sooon~

uni, jrock, language partner

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