Nov 10, 2008 18:34
went to uni at 11 today and met up with Sarah in the morning. We went to Humanities office to get our requirements for our optional units. Japanese 112 for Sarah and Chinese 211 and 212 for me. Took us ages to find Gong Qian's office xD we went around probably 3 times haha and then realised it was the same area as Hiroshi's office but just further down. Got the signatures from Gong Qian! she seems really nice! yay now i can continue studying Chinese! though I forgot SO much stuff, after TEE and also way before that too. I use to could speak fluently when i was younger, but when i got older i used less and less Mandarin.. so bad xD i need to build up my Mandarin before going to Taiwan next year too, otherwise im gonna feel so dumb when i talk to my relatives or cousins xD I felt so dumb last year, my cousins basically had to explain everything to me when i continuously asked “___ 是什麼?" xD Anyway after we finished enrolling into those subjects, we went back to izone to register for the classes xD yay i got Wednesday off. Actually timetable next sem is kinda similar to my timetable now xD Also only got one class on Thursday which i want to also get rid of xD but then i think my other days will be quite full ><
After that, me and Sarah went to library to study for BIS while Fran was doing his enrolment for Korean. He had tough time choosing between Korean and Chinese xD I also wanna do Korean T__T maybe for my final year or something I might. I just wanna learn it to understand the songs i listen to and the dramas i watch HAHA. Though i don't really watch kdramas anymore, but still listen to the music <3
So pretty much rest of the day we studied BIS. Also met Quan, Hanson, David, Idris, Gavin, Wendy and Vivienne today at the library xD They all had exams today.
exams starting in 2 days ><
12/11水曜日:Legal Framework
14/11金曜日: Business Information System
I FINALLY downloaded Dir en grey's UROBOROS.. about time xD i was excited for the release but for some reason when it was out, i was too lazy to download it lol :/ so i just downloaded it last night and i like most of the songs! i really like the song VINUSHKA xD
Also listened to Rainie's album.. though still got a few tracks left.. it's ok but not as good as her previous stuff. Still need to listen to Genie Zhuo's xD
OMG..i just found out like yesterday that the visual kei band exist†trace are all GIRLS O__O woahh. I haven't heard their music though LOL so maybe that's why.. just seen their pics xD even though visual kei bandmembers in general look like girls it was soo weird to find out that they were actually all girls xD it's like seeing girls that look like guys dressing up as girls xD HAHA i guess that's the influence of Visual Kei on me O__O The vocalist is really pretty though! Haha same with Danger☆Gang.. I was so surprised at first. I still keep forgetting they are all girls xD LOL. I want to try exist†trace's music. Anyone know where I can download it?