Nov 20, 2005 17:21
Swimming is so freaking hard.
I can't beleive I ever got a job as a lifeguard hahaha. This Saturday I swam at Heskett with Mau and Min. Needless to say, Mau demolished us in swimming. We did a 50 while he did a 100, and he probably would beat us if he was doing speed. I have to say though, I've gotten a little better at swimming since the summer when I swam a 500 for the lifeguard test. I tried doing the butterfly. Nooope, I probably looked like a retarded dolphin. If there are any.
Man, I should probably get another job too. Running out of money, especially since the 360 comes out the 22nd. Haha, its gonna be crazy over turky day break. Thats if I don't have a crapload of homework to do. Friggn Ib..