Whut is up peoplez..Not much here. Didn't do all that much this weekend. But actually I was supposed to go to a bomb fire but didn't end up goin. I did find out that my hottie does not have a g/f ne more so maybe we can hook it up lol. U kno what I'm talkin about Monika them Huron guyz lol. I might be able to see him hopefully not this weekend but the weekend afta at party well actualy kinda lika a bomb fire lolz. But ne wayz we got our soccer party I think after school today and out game againt the lacrosse players on Thursday. But I gotta bounce TTYL Byez
I'm outtie-Shortie
I took the lable me test and I got labled as a prep awww.... ;)
These tests are kinda fun lol I jus had to take the shoe one cuz I luv muh shoes...
What Shoe Brand Are You? Blingin Shortiie