Sep 29, 2009 22:43
On spending our 3 month celebration in NYC:
[W and I chatting about my current obsession with stockpiling his pantry when I suddenly decided to switch topics, because I do that A LOT.]
Me: Erm, please don't abandon me in NYC. Because I really will get a male dog. (I tend to make threats that if he ever leaves me, I'll promptly replace him with a puppy.)
W: [Says something sweet and reassuring because he's apparently too used to my outrageous outbursts]
Me: And I will take him to a nice restaurant and try to eat with him.
W: [Attempts to say something sweet and reassuring but is interrupted by...]
Me: So let's just save ourselves the embarrassment because you and I both know that I will make a scene to eat with the dog. And I'll name him Hubert. And the dog will not like you for ditching me and causing me to take out my demented sadness on him by giving him an ugly name.
W: HAHA [ = what did I get myself into?]