Jun 16, 2005 19:38
Found these on a friend's journal and thought they were SO true. SO many of them apply to me! :-D hehe.... it's quite cute what we do. ;-)
You know you are a Military Girlfriend when. . .
...you don't mind a phone call waking you up at 4 a.m. (haha-- I don't care if it's 2am or 8am)
...the smallest contact (short email) from your man makes your
entire week! (Yes it does!)
...you cry over an email that says nothing more than hi and I miss
you. (MmmHmm..)
...those recruitment commercials on TV make you cry because you are
so proud! (or remind you of missing your guy. Opps...guilty!)
...you sleep in PT attire, cuddled up in a poncho liner, because
it's the closest you can come to being with your military man. (WoW... SO guilty! We were just cuddled in a poncho liner the last time I was up there with him! It is too funny to admit these things!)
...you get super excited just knowing that your boyfriend tried to
call but wasn't able to get through. (For the most part!)
... your favorite 'man' to see everyday is the MAILMAN (what a love/hate relationship that is).
...you refer to everyone not in the military or dating someone in the military as
a Civilian
...you can rattle off the time in perfect military time without having to think (that and rotc helped ;D)
...you get excited when you can name the assault rifle correctly. (hahaha...yup)
...a 30 second phone call after no calls from him for 3.5 months
leaves you full of joy and happiness, and "No news is good news"
becomes your motto. (Sure is true at the time!)
...the motto "no shore too distant " becomes your life. (True true)
...you could wait forever for your loved one to return home into
your arms. (Ain't that the truth... but thank God he is home right now!)
...you feel yourself growing more and more in love with your
military man even while he's so far away. (So TRUE.... I feel it every day he is!)
...planning letters/ care packages and putting them in the mail is
more exciting then going out with the girls (almost sad to admit, lol)
...you don't mind tripping over combat boots left in the middle of
the bedroom floor. (Just did that too! lol!!)
...while enjoying an evening alone together, your boyfriend shows
you all the different ways he knows to kill or incapacitate a man,
and then you casually continue cooking dinner as though it's
perfectly normal (Or all kinds of disgusting medical things...lol!)
...you hold off on seeing certain movies so you can see them with
your MM when he comes home (Did that!)
...you want to roll your eyes when you hear someone say "i havent
seen my boyfriend in a week!" (OMG!! all the time!....lol....gosh!)
...you can be go from being happy, to sad, to lonely, to angry, to proud, and back
to happy in a matter of less than an hour (guilty)
...you sleep with the phone right next to you,
just in case (Definitly guilty on that one!!!)
...you start saying thing like "Wow that is a really nice box. Are
you going to use that for anything?" to total strangers. (hmm...dont quite get this one..)
...you can give the rates for all the long distance calling cards on
the market without hesitation.
...you try to explain to civilians what your boyfriend does for a living,
they give you a blank look because they don't understand a
third of what you just said. (But of course)
...you feel lucky for each second granted to the two of you. (Every time we are together)
...you'll spend a total of 42 hours roundtrip on a greyhound bus
just to be able to see him for a total of 4 days. (or running through gigantic airports and getting lost...) (Definitly would!!)
...you are 3000 miles apart and you dont notice the time difference
and talk until 5 am his time 2am your time (Did that!! A lot!)
...phone kisses are just as good as the real ones (well...almost)
...you realize you can forgive your bf for not calling you for a few
weeks due to the fact he really had to work. (yea...)
...you haven't heard from them in while you find yourself reading
the old letters you have received is just something comforting to
feel close in a way (All the time!!)
...you don't bat an eyelash when he say's "Uh, Honey they changed
when I'm supposed to return home, yet again (for the 18th millionth
time)". (for the bazillionth time!)
...you find it romantic when your mililtary man serenades you with cadences. (sorta serenades..)
These are awesome! :-D haha Talk to you all later!