[When the feed opens, everyone is graced with the vision of... dull whiteness, and nothing else. The voice of a young girl can be heard, but it's muffled and kind of faint
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Really...? Maybe it was somepony's magic spell or somethin' what brought us here.
[:(] Well, that's right kind of you to say, miss, but... [glances down at her free hand, wiggling her fingers] This just ain't what a gal is s'pposed to look like! I mean... [displays those fingers to the camera] How'm I even s'pposed to use these things?
Wha-- "What's wrong"? [because it should be obvious, obviously!] These ain't supposed t' be... "hans", or whatever ya just said! I'm s'pposed to have hoofs here! I'm a pony, not some kinda weird "hue-man" thingy!
[POUT] It just ain't polite to go 'round changing another pony's species without askin'.
Weird? But you look lovely. Is there a problem?
[:(] Well, that's right kind of you to say, miss, but... [glances down at her free hand, wiggling her fingers] This just ain't what a gal is s'pposed to look like! I mean... [displays those fingers to the camera] How'm I even s'pposed to use these things?
Your hands? [She's a little confused now.] I'm not sure I understand.
[POUT] It just ain't polite to go 'round changing another pony's species without askin'.
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