Mar 28, 2003 14:11
Here is more fun stuff about Norma, the world's most annoying co-worker.
We've already established that she is 24 and still lives at home. I did not mention that she also has no expenses whatsoever--does not pay any of the bills, no rent, her parents gave her a car, etc. She also hands her paycheck over to her dad, and he gives her a weekly allowance. From her own paycheck. Whatever. Her allowance is in the thousands, because hey--she has no expenses. So she gets to go on shopping sprees all the time.
What bugs me is that she doesn't understand that other people DO have expenses. She's constantly showing me new things and telling me I should get one, like a watch that is "only" $450.
One day in a lunch meeting we were chatting about cars, and I mentioned that our second car is just about to die entirely. She asked me "Why don't you just get a new car?" Because we can't afford a new car. "Why not?" Because we have expenses. Like rent. Bills. Student loans. Our other car payment. "Well, how much do you pay for rent?" Eight-fifty. "Okay, so then how much do you pay for bills?" I'm not going to go over my budget with you, Norma. "Okay, but I don't understand why you can't afford a car." None of your damn business why I can't afford a car.
I've asked her what she plans to do if she ever moves out on her own, and she's answered "Probably let my husband take care of it." I've tried to help her out, because she really does not seem to comprehend how much stuff costs, and I was trying to get her to understand that life without your parent's house is not all shopping sprees and free cars. And she's like "Yeah, but all I'll have is rent and car insurance, and that's it." That's it? There's also food, electricity, gas, phone, cable-- "Yeah, well I know. But after that I'll have a lot left." I know how much you make. No you won't.
And her mother still packs a lunch for her every day. I'm talking chicken, rice, cooked spinach, the works. The other day I was holding a frozen entree and Norma laughed at me. "I'll never eat crap like that." Easy for you to say, Miss my-mom-still-cooks-for-me. What I actually said was "Well, it's not so easy when you're cooking for yourself."
Her: Oh, I don't cook.
Me: Not at all?
Her: Nope.
Me: What are you going to do when you finally live on your own?
Her: Eat out.
Me: All the time?
Her: Yup. (She eyes me microwaving my meal.) Why don't you just go out to eat?
Me: Because eating out is expensive.
Her: You can get a sandwich across the street for seven dollars.
Me: Seven dollars for a sandwich every day is very expensive.
Her: No it's not.
Me: Not when you don't have to pay rent.
Her: You should cook at home and bring it like I do.
Me: You don't cook at home. Your mom does it.
Her: You know what I mean.
Me: Do I?
She's clearly planning on marrying rich, if she thinks she'll have all of her expenses covered, eat out every night, and still have money left over for tons of shopping sprees. Or else she really has no idea what the cost of living in LA is. Her boyfriend right now is rich, and she's waiting for him to propose. She also can't stand him. But hey, anything for not having to eat frozen food, right?