Jun 19, 2003 10:24
After a long 4 years at Toms River East, I'm finally getting out of the place. Its funny though. I have been saying how much I wanna leave, yet now that its time theres no other place I wanna be. Maybe its the comfort of knowing the same place, or the same people. It could even be Mrs. Tulps wacky self. Or even Tafrows lack of compassion, but all I know is that this year went way too fast. I haven't had enough time with these people. Physically yea, but in reality, I haven't. I guess its one of those you don't know how much you like something until its gone. I never realized how much I like our school and our people. Its probabaly the fact that I am leaving things. I love change but not change of people. Getting to know more or new people and leaving others to do so is two totally different things. I cried at the end of 6th grade, and especially 8th, and knowing me I'll be balling this year as well. Luckily I'll have a bunch of friends with me next year, but it still won't be the same. Now I wish would have left for school. At least by doing that I have a reason to start fresh, but not in the same place. Unfortunatly I'm stuck in the same place for yet another year of my life. It won't be as bad as I make it out to seem,but theres so many more reasons to go then to stay. Its just the reason to stay are stronger and more important reasons. OKay so why did I decide to stay. Lets recap..........
1.Finally able to leave the house and away from my mom to live on my own
2.New experiences
3.New people
4.New place to live...that always exciting
5.Better education
7.AWAY FOMR MOTHER...did I mention that one
1.Save money
2.Strive for better grades first
3.Although I really want to get away fomr her, I will miss my mom
So why? I still don't know. All I know is that I'll have to put through it for a year, then I'll be off to somewhere far away. Where should I go? Florida? North Carolina? Massachusettes?New York? I figured it doesn't matter where I go just as long as its far from here. Not that I don't like it here, but I see myself living here for the rest of my life so why not get the experience to go away for a few years? Either way I'll be sitting in the seat of a OCC class room come September. UNtil then I'll have to make my senior year summer a blast. I Leave for Ohio on my Mission Trip next Friday then 2 weeks after that I'll be heading off to Florida with my best friend. I guess life is great. Why should I bother to stress over the little thigns when life is too short and precious to. I have everthign I need...A loving family, a wonderful boyfriend, great friends, a good job, a future, and a fun summer ahead of me. LIFE IS GOOD!!!