Apr 30, 2009 03:12
My dear friend and I are planning a trip to go to Hawaii. We will be going there during July. Few things that I doubt about this trip:
1) the weather - I despise the sun & any general hot weather climates.
2) the place where she wants to sleep at. - its okay..... at least its clean. It better be or I will give her hell. But lets just say it ain't how I picture myself traveling. Sadly, not everyone has high standards like me on some aspects.
3) She wants to bring her bf. - ouch she wants me to play the 3rd wheel? haha......no. Just because I'm the girly one in our lil group which makes her feel like a man around me, does not mean its okay to bring her totally gay ass bf on this trip. I don't mind sharing the room with her but her bf? haha....no. [ god, just come out of the closet already! I so know u are r a butch!] & I really hope this trip we are planning on isn't an excuse for her to just be able to have a trip with her bf, since his family is a bit strict about that. (oh the irony!!! His family doesn't trust my friend to be in a room alone with their baby boy. hahaha .... good instincts)
P.S. her bf is a total nice guy, I feel sorry for him.
She like hiking, i like snorkeling. I am letting myself get drag to go hiking yet all she will do for me is one tour for snorkeling. Geez....
Anywho.... more updates! soon.... maybe