
Feb 20, 2004 16:23

I am such a slacker! I can't seem to keep up with this whole writing thing. I check the journal like 3 or 4 times a day to see if anyone has wrote a comment or what my friends have written in their journals, but I just never update my own. What a slacker!

Ok, so Monday I wrote and told you about the weekend and that day. Now, onto Tuesday. Tuesday was an exciting day of classes, but really, not so much. Monday night, I realized that I had missed a deadline that was due at 5 that day. I think it was confusing though. The teacher had us doing modules on WebCT right? Well, we were in the middle of module 5 when all of a sudden, something from module 7 is due RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MODULE 5! Really, you would think they were numbered for a reason, however, it must of just been for fun. LOL! I went to class on Tuesday and told her what happened and asked if there was any way to get like, half credit on if for turning it in late. Luckily, she likes me enough that she was like, "Oh, well just post it by the end of tonight and I will give you full credit." I was like, "AWESOME!!!" So, obviously, I went to my other class, did some good old fashioned learning and Sean picked me up and we went home. I get home, cook, and then start on the mad hunt for four articles to use for my paper. Half way through citing them, Sean was like, "It's time to go to hockey." I went and supported him with his floor hockey funness. Meanwhile, I talked to Jody and my lil sis, Allison. I had the best time just catching up and was upset when the game was over. I just wanted to sit there and talk forever. I hadn't done that in SO long. It was nice. Thanks girls for a wonderful hour or so. You guys made me laugh and realize what I have been missing. LOVE YA!!! Anyhow, then I went back and finished my annotations and went to bed not long after.

Wednesday was an exciting day. I was at work from 10-3. I was supposed to only be there until 2 but two people called in supposedly. So, my manager tried to bribe me into staying longer for some well sought after "Publix tokens." My publix peeps know what I am talking about. LOL! Then, I went home and did my evaluations for my peers annotated citation. Oh yes, and I got all really good evaluations from them, too. So that was exciting. I have always been a really good writer when it comes to papers and all that jazz, it is just the fact that I have to sit down and write that just gets under my skin. I hate being forced to write. When I do though, it always comes out well. Anyhow, that was Wednesday. I know, very exciting. I am sure you were on the edge of your seat waiting to know what happened next the whole time you were reading this paragraph. LOL.

I miss going to church. I need to start doing that on Wednesdays again. I had stopped because of boys rush, then the next week was Rock the Arrow. Then, I was really busy with school work the next week. I just ended up catching up again this week. Next week I am going though. Definitely.

Yesterday I went to my algebra class and took my second test. I asked if he could email me the results from my first test although I am sure I aced it. He said I would have to come by his office. He didn't want to give grades out through email. So, yeah, the second test, I don't know that I did that well. I think I may have missed like, 3 or so. Which would still be a B, but I just wanted to keep my straight A record. I have gotten all A's on my exams and papers so far this semester and have an A in every class as a result. I'm awesome. I went to my second class and got my exam from last week back. A 96% A! I am amazing. Then, usually he lets us out after about an hour. However, last week, he let us out without going over Ch. 4 like he was supposed to. So, this week, we had to go over 4, 5, and 13 plus two group presentations. It was 2 hours and 15 minutes long. It wasn't really THAT unbarable because he makes it a fun and easy class. However, I was just ready to go home and eat because I hadn't eaten yet. I went home and cooked some dinner. Did an hour of cleaning the unbelievably disgusting kitchen, ate, then TWO more hours of cleaning the kitchen. The roommates come home about 20 minutes before I got done and was like, "Thanks Lisa, you didn't have to do that. Hey, no one tell Lisa about her OCD." I was like, "I am perfectly aware of my OCD but I am cleaning this because it is disgusting." Honestly, I am a relatively quick cleaner. I can get things done in a hurry and I keep things clean. For me to spend 3 hours in a kitchen cleaning, you have to know that it was just unbelievable. There were NO clean dishes. The cabinets were empty and the counter was full of rotting food and moldy dishes. It was ridiculous. Seriously. I can't wait until next year. The kitchen will finally be usable. Oh, and the best part. The roommate's friends came over last night, got high and cooked dinner in the CLEAN kitchen and then didn't clean the dishes. So they are sitting in there crusting on and stinking up the joint again. It really is gross. You have NO idea. I think people could get sick just from walking into that kitchen and breathing. Anyhow, after I finished that, I came in here and let Sean finish studying for his test. Then, I started on my Exam Study Guide for my Econ exam next week. I really am an exciting person this year, let me tell ya. Meanwhile, Jenny IMs Sean because she needs help doing her review problems for her finance test the next morning. I am getting frustrated because I am TRYING to study while IMing whatever Sean tells me and then trying to read what Jenny says off to him. I couldn't concentrate so finally, I just got done with the two chapters and finished setting it all up and saved it. By that time, Jenny was done. GRRR! I love you Jenny, nothing against you, just frustrating while trying to study a totally different subject. Then, bedtime...finally.

This morning I woke up, hung out with Sean. He went and took his test. He wasn't very happy when he came home because he thought he knew the material a lot better than he did appearently. We then went to Atlanta Bread Company. Lauren was working so she gave us a discount. SWEET! Fischer was there too with some random people. How odd! Anyhow, we came back here and he is watching some stupid "Hey look at me, I am a retard and moon random people and am wasting my life away but it is ok because people make videos of me and my retarded friends doing stupid stuff like digging holes in the middle of yards and covering them so when people are mowing their yards their lawn mowers fall in, and for some reason stupid college guys buy it, watch it, and think I am super cool" dvd he bought last week. What a was of money, and a dvd, and time, and well...EVERYTHING! Viva la bam, jack*ss, CKY4, and all those things are so dumb and serve no purpose other than making people more stupid and giving stupid people even more dumb ideas to try. GEESH! Anyhow, I have been sitting here listening to music and typing in this Live Journal for a ridiculous amount of time. So, yes, I think that this entry is long enough for now and if anyone is still reading, or even took the time to read this after seeing how long it is, leave me a comment just so I know my writing and time spent is not in vain. I just want to know that I am not just wasting my time and people actually do check to make sure I am still alive and to see what is going on.

Until next time, see ya!
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