"No! Why won't you update your links?!"

May 28, 2008 09:57


Don't you hate it when you stumble across a really cool community, but it's been abandoned a while back and all the picture links have expired? So you rummage through the poster's profile and go through their deviantart, website gallery, etc, only they don't have it posted up anywhere else?


Many a pretty fanart has disappeared that way.

Please. For the sake of all that is good in this world,
update your links.

Moving on.

Today was fairly uneventful. Went to IR-- We had a sub today, same guy as always. Apparently there was some sort of staff golf game going on, so half the school was out. --and did my Math homework. Skipped up the stairs to English and was promptly pushed back down into the AC room with the rest of the class. They're moving stuff out of rooms now, so it's pretty confusing when it comes to classes-- you will walk halfway around the school before realizing your next class has moved to the opposite side.

Claire brought in rasberries. An entire carton. So Miranda and I got our daily serving of fruit. Huzzah.

Got another book in English-- We JUST finished the Great Gatsby, come on already! --which happens to have Nazi cats. There was much awkwardness in the unofficial corner today.

Talked about the American Dream-- commented on the 2.5 kids and little dog Spot, too --and then we skipped off to Chemistry to be completely miserable as we poked about with pH levels and lots of notes.

Spent Advisory making a miniature duct-tape wallet and studying for Math quiz. Went off to Math, actually did decent on the quiz, and am now here, munching on cookies and Cheez-its.



Edit: I need more Hei icons-- my last four posts all have the same one. DX

Edit Edit: Also, considering re-naming journal. Or, at least, I was yesterday, before I forgot what I was naming it. Suggestions?

class-post, ramble, rant

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